Can you idenÂtiÂfy the man in this picÂture? The archivists at Lost Films hope you can. The image is takÂen from footage of a vinÂtage film that no one has been able to idenÂtiÂfy. AccordÂing to the descripÂtion that goes with the still, all we know now is that this oddÂly-dressed charÂacÂter is an escaped conÂvict named “Hem Lock.” The movie is probÂaÂbly AmerÂiÂcan, and it was most likeÂly shot someÂwhere around 1923. If you think you can add some more inforÂmaÂtion, it’s time for you to sign up.
More than 80 perÂcent of silent films and a high perÂcentÂage of old sound films have been lost or are now unacÂcountÂed for. Lost Films is a colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive effort among film sociÂeties in GerÂmany, France, Poland, New Zealand, and sevÂerÂal othÂer counÂtries to help idenÂtiÂfy and locate some 3,500 lost or missÂing films through crowdÂsourcÂing. AnyÂone can become a memÂber and then upload clips and images from “mysÂtery movies” to the site, and also comÂment on the as-yet-untiÂtled stills and images that have already been uploaded. The site also conÂtains a heartÂenÂing list of films that have been recentÂly been recovÂered.
The project is fundÂed by the GerÂman FedÂerÂal CulÂturÂal AssoÂciÂaÂtion.
Be sure to find many silent and earÂly sound movies (among othÂer things) in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Movies Online.
SheerÂly Avni is a San FranÂcisÂco-based arts and culÂture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA WeekÂly, MothÂer Jones, and many othÂer pubÂliÂcaÂtions. You can folÂlow her on twitÂter at @sheerly.
InterÂestÂing project howÂevÂer I feel the peoÂple who could idenÂtiÂfy these movies will either be long gone or too old to rememÂber these movies.
the image reminds me of a drawÂing by FranÂcis Picabia figÂurÂing a dotÂted man. But I doubt F.P. has someÂthing to do with this origÂiÂnal movie, it is more likeÂly that he was inspired by
this same movie.