The Next-Generation Digital Book

There will be a day — maybe it’s already here; maybe it was always here — when the Kin­dle will look incred­i­bly retro. Mike Matas, once a design­er of user inter­faces at Apple and now co-founder of Push Pop Press, may make that day of visu­al reck­on­ing come soon­er rather than lat­er. The demo above (which is eas­i­ly worth a thou­sand words) lets you peer into the near future.. Text, images, audio, video and inter­ac­tive graph­ics — they’ll come togeth­er in a seam­less read­ing expe­ri­ence, mak­ing the tra­di­tion­al ebook look entire­ly one dimen­sion­al. You can down­load the book on dis­play, Al Gore’s “Our Choice,” on iTunes here.

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Comments (16)
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  • Paul says:

     Yeah, but try read­ing that in direct sun­light :-)

  • Paul says:

     Yeah, but try read­ing that in direct sun­light :-)

  • Paul says:

     Yeah, but try read­ing that in direct sun­light :-)

  • Paul says:

     Yeah, but try read­ing that in direct sun­light :-)

  • Paul says:

     That oth­er com­ment was­n’t meant to belit­tle the appli­ca­tion by the way, it’s just that it’s not com­pe­ti­tion for e‑book read­ers, they’re not doing the same thing. E‑book read­ers are just that, for sim­u­lat­ing the book expe­ri­ence. Bells and whis­tles are great but they make it into a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence.

  • Paul says:

     That oth­er com­ment was­n’t meant to belit­tle the appli­ca­tion by the way, it’s just that it’s not com­pe­ti­tion for e‑book read­ers, they’re not doing the same thing. E‑book read­ers are just that, for sim­u­lat­ing the book expe­ri­ence. Bells and whis­tles are great but they make it into a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence.

  • Paul says:

     That oth­er com­ment was­n’t meant to belit­tle the appli­ca­tion by the way, it’s just that it’s not com­pe­ti­tion for e‑book read­ers, they’re not doing the same thing. E‑book read­ers are just that, for sim­u­lat­ing the book expe­ri­ence. Bells and whis­tles are great but they make it into a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence.

  • Paul says:

     That oth­er com­ment was­n’t meant to belit­tle the appli­ca­tion by the way, it’s just that it’s not com­pe­ti­tion for e‑book read­ers, they’re not doing the same thing. E‑book read­ers are just that, for sim­u­lat­ing the book expe­ri­ence. Bells and whis­tles are great but they make it into a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence.

  • Aureliofernandez says:

    only geeks and une­d­u­cat­ed peo­ple likes e‑books. 

  • Lenny says:

    i don’t see this as open cul­ture

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  •  nice­ly demon­strat­ed, but I won­der how much of the book will actu­al­ly be read… and the kin­dle com­par­i­son is invalid for exact­ly that rea­son…  kin­dle is about the joy of pure unadul­ter­at­ed, qui­et, con­tem­pla­tion of the writ­ten word, immers­ing your­self in the text rather than look­ing for a quick mul­ti­me­dia fix… appli­ca­tions will be com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent… this lends itself more to explo­ration and inter­ac­tive styles of learn­ing… there’s a place for both!

  • Chana Messer says:


  • Chana Messer says:


  • Anonymous says:

    err the Kin­dle is already retro! no? here’s my opin­ion about it :)

  • You can down­load the book on dis­play, Al Gore’s “Our Choice,” on iTunes here.

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