The “Ask Sam Harris Anything” Hour

Sam Har­ris — he wrote the best­sellers The End of Faith and Let­ter to a Chris­t­ian Nation. He’s also one-fourth of the New Athe­ist quar­tet infor­mal­ly called The Four Horse­men (where you’ll also find Richard Dawkins, Christo­pher Hitchens and Daniel Den­nett.) And he has most recent­ly argued that neu­ro­science can even­tu­al­ly answer all moral ques­tions. Sam Har­ris is very much a pub­lic intel­lec­tu­al. He’s out there and in the mix. And he’s now answer­ing ques­tions from users. Give Har­ris 54 min­utes and he’ll tell you how to pro­mote pub­lic ratio­nal­i­ty, why med­i­ta­tion can change your life, and much, much more …

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Christo­pher Hitchens Answers Red­dit User Ques­tions

Richard Dawkins Plays the Piano: “Earth His­to­ry in C Major”

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  • I would ask Sam if he is a lizard. I’m being seri­ous.

  • Hanoch says:

    I don’t see how any­one can give cre­dence to these “horse­men”. Agnos­tics can­not be accused of irra­tional­i­ty because they sim­ply admit they do not know. Nor can believ­ers be tarred with that label, because even chil­dren rec­og­nize that, in nature, some­thing does not arise from noth­ing.

    The “horse­men”, how­ev­er, admit that the nat­ur­al world exists, but reject that it has a cause. And if they con­ced­ed that the world has a cause, they are inca­pable of spec­i­fy­ing that cause. Yet despite that knowl­edge deficit, they have no prob­lem stat­ing with cer­tain­ty that the cause could not have been a cre­ator. Thus, con­trary to how they like to por­tray them­selves, they strike me as the most irra­tional of all camps in this debate.

  • Sam says:

    Thanks for shar­ing this :)

  • Mike says:

    Since when is it an athe­ist tenet that the uni­verse nec­es­sar­i­ly “arose” at all? Per­haps it has always been. (Even a child might think of that.)

  • Hanoch says:


    “[P]erhaps” is my point, i.e., the athe­ist, in truth, does not know. Yet, unlike the agnos­tic, who says so, the athe­ist, with cer­ti­tude, rules out an alter­nate “per­haps”. This is ratio­nal?

  • Kevin says:

    Sam has said, on a num­ber of occa­sions, he does­n’t rule out a cre­ator or intel­li­gent design, but rather, he does­n’t think there is any evi­dence. He has also spo­ken at length about the prob­lems he sees with athe­ism and why he would pre­fer to drop the term.

  • Shyam says:

    Ener­gy can nei­ther be cre­at­ed nor be destroyed.……then how this ener­gy is formed in this uni­verse?

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