Jason Alexander Promotes Netflix Relief Fund

Ear­li­er this month, Net­flix upped its month­ly sub­scrip­tion by a good 60%, cre­at­ing what amount­ed to a bour­geois tragedy for many. If you sub­scribe to Net­flix, then fear not. Help may be on its way. Fun­ny­orDie feels your pain, and, with the help of Jason Alexan­der (you know him from Sein­feld), they’re pro­mot­ing the Net­flix Relief Fund. Wink.

If you plan on stick­ing with Net­flix, you can find here a great list of qual­i­ty films, all stream­able via the web. (If need­ed, snag a free one month sub­scrip­tion to Net­flix here.) Or if you’re look­ing for oth­er options, don’t miss our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online, where you’re pret­ty much guar­an­teed to find some­thing you like…

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