In 2003, Disney released a six minute animated short called Destino, finally bringing closure to a project that began 57 years earlier. The story of Destino goes way back to 1946 when two very different cultural icons, Walt Disney and Salvador Dalí, decided to work together on a cartoon. The film was storyboarded by Dalí and John Hench (a Disney studio artist) over the course of eight months. But then, rather abruptly, the project was tabled when The Walt Disney Company ran into financial problems.
Now fast forward 53 years, to 1999. While working on Fantasia 2000, Walt Disney’s nephew rediscovered the project and 17 seconds of original animation. Using this clip and the original storyboards, 25 animators brought the film to completion and premiered it at The New York Film Festival in 2003. Destino would receive an Oscar nomination for the Best Animated Short Film, among other plaudits from critics.
The clip runs 6+ minutes and features music written by Mexican songwriter Armando Dominguez and performed by Dora Luz. You will find the video housed in the Animation section of our collection of Free Movies Online, which now lists 420 films.
NPR has more on the Disney-Dalí collaboration. Listen to their audio report here. H/T Constance for the good tip on our Facebook page.
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Great short film. Love it.
utterly idiotic, which is just what I expected from a Dali-Disney hybrid.
I posted very similarly on my Facebook that this is what happens when a Daddy Awesome loves a Mommy Awesome :) We forget through technology and CGI and all the modern conveniences of animation and film that it is still an art- a thoughtful provacative art. This is just an example of these dying pieces. Absolutely spectacular!!
I’ve found that the best data subject, thank you
patrick, your opinion makes me suspect you are a semi blind deaf person with diminished mental faculties if you watched that and feel it was “utterly idotic” how sad life must be for such person as you.
fabuloso, two geniuses exploding into a wonderful fantasy.