Miss USA 2011: Should Schools Teach Evolution? … or Math?

“Should evo­lu­tion be taught in schools?” That was the ques­tion actu­al­ly put to par­tic­i­pants in the Miss USA pageant held this past June.

In response, MacKen­zie Fegan and her friends had some fun with the whole line of think­ing, shoot­ing their own mock video in reply. Enjoy, and do know that we heart Miss Ver­mont…

via Boing­Bo­ing

Relat­ed Con­tent:

50 Famous Aca­d­e­mics & Sci­en­tists Talk About God

50 Famous Sci­en­tists & Aca­d­e­mics Speak About God: Part II

Do Physi­cists Believe in God

Richard Dawkins & John Lennox Debate Sci­ence & Athe­ism

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  • Manny says:

    You don’t believe in math???? You mean you don’t believe 1+1=2?? I thought this was an SNL skit! LMFAO!!!

  • Manny says:

    Nev­er mind, I com­ment­ed BEFORE I saw this IS a skit. But, I don’t doubt that some of the real Miss Amer­i­ca con­tes­tants think this this way as well, judg­ing by the answers they gave on there sub­ject regard­ing the teach­ing of evo­lu­tion. For Pete’s sake, Miss Alaba­ma said she does­n’t think it should be taught just because SHE does­n’t believe in it. (??)

  • brooke says:

    I laughed out loud…until I watched the actu­al Miss USA com­pe­ti­tion and I wept. Good grief…

  • Nick says:

    Good grief! 1 out of 50 got the answer cor­rect. Ver­mont para­phrased: “Yes. It’s real. Sci­en­tif­ic facts are impor­tant! Why not learn it?” Are there actu­al­ly schools that don’t teach it? Would­n’t that leave stu­dents tak­ing Biol­o­gy class­es a bit con­fused if they did­n’t at least bring it up? WTF Amer­i­ca!

  • Brian says:

    They are not even the same girls in the two videos. You claim they are the same batch of peo­ple but they are not. Shame on you for try­ing to make a point with faked videos.

  • NotBrian says:

    Bri­an: who claims that? Shame on you for not pay­ing atten­tion. The video is hilar­i­ous and an obvi­ous par­o­dy.

    Some­times I think the Chi­nese have been putting lead in all the drink­ing water.

  • Brian says:

    Read the tops of the two videos. Both videos state the women are miss USA. If you don’t think that is a state­ment you should stop drink­ing your Chi­nese water.
    They are fun­ny but I chose not to base the math argu­ment on an obvi­ous par­o­dy.

  • Daniel Longmore says:

    I find it inter­est­ing that oth­ers have used math to show the flaws in evo­lu­tion. Check out this web­site (http://www.ukapologetics.net/08/evolutionandmath.htm)

  • Captain Americus says:

    Ms. USA has always been an air­head com­pe­ti­tion where con­tes­tants try not to say any­thing that might offend any­one in order to win. Oth­er than mock­ing them, which has been going on for decades, there’s not much to say.

  • NotDaniel says:

    @Daniel: I find it “inter­est­ing” that that oth­ers have mis­used math, as in your exam­ple, to try to con­fuse peo­ple about evo­lu­tion.

    Any­one curi­ous about one a more rea­soned dis­cus­sion of the rela­tion­ship of prob­a­bil­i­ty to evo­lu­tion can see here http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/abioprob.html

  • NotCaptain says:

    Cap­tain: the very idea that reject­ing evo­lu­tion is the inof­fen­sive posi­tion is the whole prob­lem. Under­stand­ing of sci­ence in Amer­i­ca is at an all time post-WWII low and get­ting worse all the time.

  • Gaf says:

    Yes, Daniel, and some­body used math to prove the exis­tence of God on youtube, too. Check it out. You won’t under­stand it (nor did the idiot who made the video), which, to peo­ple who believe in God, con­sti­tutes proof. On a side note, evo­lu­tion is not a “belief.” It is a sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ple that, for about 150 years has been fun­da­men­tal to the bio­log­i­cal sci­ences. It has been demon­strat­ed time and again by the fos­sil record, and it has been recre­at­ed in actu­al real life in the lab with micro-organ­isms that repro­duce very rapid­ly, so odds has noth­ing to do with it. What were the odds that a red­neck, racist cul­ture that does­n’t under­stand a basic sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ple would elect a man whom most of them would assume is infe­ri­or based on a pop­u­lar mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Dar­win­ism that anti-evo­lu­tion­ists iron­i­cal­ly have tak­en as proof that white peo­ple are bet­ter than every­one else? They also don’t under­stand enough genet­ics to know that homo-sapi­ens are only about 5% bet­ter than chim­panzees. I looked at that web­site, and I thought maybe I could make up some num­bers just as eas­i­ly. The chances that Daniel has a col­lege degree or has read any­thing oth­er than poor­ly con­struct­ed fear-mon­ger­ing cult pro­pa­gan­da in the past sev­er­al years is 1 in 1024. What are the odds that an invis­i­ble mag­ic man that nobody can real­ly see cre­at­ed the world? I don’t care; it’s absurd and unprov­able and there­fore prob­a­bly BS.

  • Cynthia Nelms-Byrne says:

    Yes Gaf — you said every­thing I’d like to say, only bet­ter. The way the real Miss Amer­i­ca can­di­dates kept talk­ing about evo­lu­tion being a “belief” just drove me crazy. Although I think per­haps if a course on the reli­gions of the world were taught, these non-crit­i­cal thinkers could see that there are many, many the­o­ries of how mankind began, all of them unsci­en­tif­ic and pret­ty strange.

  • Jacob k says:

    The thing I find the most dis­turb­ing is the mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the word the­o­ry. There is no such thing as prov­ing some­thing right in sci­ence only dis­prov­ing what we expect. A well test­ed the­o­ry is as close to truth as we can get in sci­ence there is no oth­er side to the sto­ry. How­ev­er in response to some of the more rude com­ments since sci­ence can only be dis­proven there is no rea­son to use the fact that it is pos­si­ble to test it as opposed to reli­gion which has to be tak­en on faith be a rea­son to insult oth­ers. Tech­ni­cal­ly new­ton was wrong or we wouldn’t need Ein­stein or quan­tum mechan­ics yet I would nev­er insult his or any oth­er belief sys­tem or well found­ed the­o­ries.

  • Jacob k says:

    PS: I teach high school sci­ence.

  • Stacy says:

    Isaac Asi­mov summed it up pret­ty well:

    “Anti-intel­lec­tu­al­ism has been a con­stant thread wind­ing its way through our polit­i­cal and cul­tur­al life, nur­tured by the false notion that democ­ra­cy means that ‘my igno­rance is just as good as your knowl­edge.’”

  • Jeff says:

    Grav­i­ty’s just a the­o­ry too…

    …maybe schools should be throw­ing the anklebiters off build­ings to let them make up their own minds on the sub­ject?

    Sci­ence flies mankind to the stars — Reli­gion flies them into build­ings.

  • cl says:

    Jeff, that last line was fan­tas­tic!
    But I have to say, it seems that New­ton was cor­rect until you reach the speed of light then Ein­stein’s the­o­ry takes over.

  • Choadee says:

    Who cares what they say,I just like to watch the shiny lips move.

  • John Egbert says:

    It’s fun­ny, because real Miss Alas­ka said that she believes God put her on this earth for a rea­son- I pre­sume that rea­son was­n’t as insignif­i­cant as mod­el­ing, right? Pageant shows real­ly aren’t too impor­tant, prob­a­bly not some­thing an omni­scient, omnipresent deity should care about.

  • Kathleen Vanni says:

    I thought the satire about whether or not Evo­lu­tion should be taught in school “Should Math be Taught in School”, pret­ty well sums it up. It seems like many of these women don’t under­stand the dif­fer­ence between sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly based knowl­edge and a reli­gious­ly based belief sys­tem, with no sup­port­ing data.

    I also noticed the region­al dif­fer­ences between the wom­en’s answers, some of which I believe is based on their actu­al beliefs as a result of their edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al back­ground and some of which may be based on not want­i­ng to offend peo­ple based on the wide­ly held beliefs of the cul­ture they are from, no mat­ter what they per­son­al­ly believe. Of course this is based on too lit­tle evi­dence to sup­port this belief or even call it a valid the­o­ry.

    It does appear that many of these women don’t have any even slight­ly in depth knowl­edge about Evo­lu­tion or even ratio­nal­ly based thought. I was edu­cat­ed in Cal­i­for­nia, way back when, being a senior cit­i­zen and we learned about Evo­lu­tion in school and there did­n’t appear to be much con­tro­ver­sy about teach­ing it in school. This is the USA and there is sup­posed to be sep­a­ra­tion of Church and State, so I don’t think that teach­ing reli­gious­ly based the­o­ries in a sci­ence class would be appro­pri­ate. That would be more appro­pri­ate­ly taught in a class on com­par­a­tive reli­gions or dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al beliefs or per­haps some kind of his­to­ry course explain­ing what most of human kind believed about our­selves and our ori­gins in ear­li­er times. If peo­ple choose to ignore the sci­ence in favor of tak­ing the Bible or oth­er reli­gious man­u­scripts lit­er­al­ly, that is their right to do so, but the Bible should­n’t be taught as sci­ence and peo­ple who don’t accept Evo­lu­tion should­n’t be allowed to cen­sor this data from our pub­lic schools.

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