Let’s rewind the videoÂtape to 1956, to Samuel James SeyÂmour’s appearÂance on the CBS teleÂviÂsion show, “I’ve Got a Secret.” At 96 years of age, SeyÂmour was the last surÂvivÂing perÂson present at Ford’s TheÂater the night AbraÂham LinÂcoln was assasÂsiÂnatÂed by John Wilkes Booth (April 14, 1865).
Only five years old at the time, Mr. SeyÂmour travÂeled with his father to WashÂingÂton D.C. on a busiÂness trip, where they attendÂed a perÂforÂmance of Our AmerÂiÂcan Cousin. The youngÂster caught a quick glimpse of the presÂiÂdent, the play began, and the rest … as they say … is hisÂtoÂry.
A quick footÂnote: Samuel SeyÂmour died two months after his TV appearÂance. His longeviÂty had someÂthing to do, I’d think, with declinÂing those WinÂstons over the years.
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