Atlas Shrugged Released as an iPad App

William F. Buck­ley famous­ly said that he flogged him­self to get through Atlas Shrugged, and now you can too in grand style. This week, Pen­guin released Ayn Rand’s polit­i­cal­ly-influ­en­tial nov­el as an iPad app. It will run you $14.99, but it brings togeth­er “the clas­sic, unabridged text and a trea­sury of rarely-seen archival mate­ri­als,” includ­ing orig­i­nal man­u­script pages, video of Rand’s talks, audio lec­tures elu­ci­dat­ing the book, a pho­to gallery, and the rest. And, oh hap­py day, the app lets you share quotes from Atlas Shrugged on Face­book and Twit­ter too.

If Atlas Shrugged isn’t your cup of tea, if you’re look­ing for a dif­fer­ent kind of med­i­ta­tion on free­dom, then Pen­guin might have some­thing else for you — the bible of the counter cul­ture, Jack Ker­ouac’s On the Road, is now avail­able as an “ampli­fied” iPad app as well.

Final­ly, if you’re look­ing for a free angle here, you can always down­load these nov­els as free audio­books if you start a no-strings-attached free tri­al with

H/T Media Bistro

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Mike Wal­lace Inter­views Ayn Rand (1959)

Ayn Rand Talks Athe­ism with Phil Don­ahue

Jack Ker­ouac Reads from On the Road (1959)

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  • Chris says:

    Buck­ley’s line is good. The bet­ter line is: “There are two nov­els that can change a book­ish four­teen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a child­ish fan­ta­sy that often engen­ders a life­long obses­sion with its unbe­liev­able heroes, lead­ing to an emo­tion­al­ly stunt­ed, social­ly crip­pled adult­hood, unable to deal with the real world. The oth­er, of course, involves orcs.” Quite true. But I’m not sure who said it first.

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