RanÂdom? Yes. Handy? DouÂble yes. The ultiÂmate culiÂnary lifeÂhack from SAVEUR magÂaÂzine’s ExecÂuÂtive Food EdiÂtor, Todd ColeÂman…
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THAT’S GENIUS!! **faints**
Am keen to try that! Looks great. Cool preÂsenÂtaÂtion. Crisp. KISS stratÂeÂgy. Nice work guys!
Holy crap! I hope this is for real. It might just be the most useÂful video ever!
All I can say is…it works…the first time!
HavÂing no desire to peel that much garÂlic or to dirty two bowls, I did this with a mason jar. It takes slightÂly more force, but it works just as well
DoesÂn’t work with ChiÂnese garÂlic. You need the papery white skinned kind. Great trick though!