Six years before he pubÂlished his breakÂthrough novÂel, Naked Lunch (1959), William S. BurÂroughs broke into the litÂerÂary scene with Junky (someÂtimes also called Junkie), a canÂdid, semi-autoÂbiÂoÂgraphÂiÂcal account of an “unreÂdeemed drug addict.” It’s safe to say that the book wouldÂn’t have seen the light of day if Allen GinsÂberg hadÂn’t takÂen BurÂroughs under his wing and editÂed the manÂuÂscript. The book, origÂiÂnalÂly pubÂlished under the pseuÂdoÂnym “William Lee,” was disÂtribÂuted by Ace Books, a pubÂlishÂing house that tarÂgetÂed New York City subÂway ridÂers. You can lisÂten to BurÂroughs, the famous beat writer, readÂing a three-hour abridged verÂsion of the text over at UBUWeb. Also see the playlist on YouTube.
H/T @maudnewton
Allen GinsÂberg took William under his wing? I think that stateÂment is opinÂion and seems inconÂsisÂtent with much of the hisÂtoÂry I have encounÂtered when learnÂing about William S. BurÂroughs, but I just read it on the net, so it must be true
GinsÂberg did no such thing. In fact, they were equals … there will nevÂer be, there can nevÂer be anothÂer periÂod in AmerÂiÂcan culÂture (anyÂway) that will give us the type of talÂent held by Allen & William. We are a sinkÂing ship … going down.
WOW Mark you must be an eterÂnal optiÂmist. You two must have hung around both of these guys and the beat scene to have such intiÂmate knowlÂedge of GinsÂberg and BurÂroughs relaÂtionÂship. I would love to hear some of the great stoÂries about GinsÂberg, BurÂroughs and the beat scene in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s you two must have. Maybe you guys can post those cool stoÂries here for all us peons to enjoy! That would be so aweÂsome.
Allen G. Did take BurÂroughs under his wing. He was the ediÂtor and manÂagÂer withÂout whom this book may nevÂer have seen the light of day. PeoÂple should read every pagein every book they read so they don’t miss out on facts like I have menÂtioned. The 50th anniverÂsary ediÂtion has an extenÂsive appenÂdix as well as othÂer conÂtriÂbuÂtions from varÂiÂous peoÂple who share this and othÂer backÂground inforÂmaÂtion.
Allan and William were both great. And GinsÂberg was known for helpÂing edit many of his pals stuff from BurÂroughs to ThompÂson et al. No need to become aggresÂsive. None of us were in the same room and none can speak to the full truth. But I think that both William S BurÂroughs & GinsÂberg’s epic works speak for themÂselves so you can go back to trolling othÂers needÂlessÂly for sugÂgestÂing this artist had help from that or whatÂevÂer your next baseÂless cause for comÂplaint.