Striking Posters From Occupy Wall Street: Download Them for Free

Occu­py Wall Street and the glob­al Occu­py Move­ment have inspired some strik­ing art­work. Graph­ic artists from around the world (includ­ing Shep­ard Fairey men­tioned here ear­li­er today) have con­tributed their tal­ents to the move­ment. Many of their posters are avail­able for free or at low cost, either direct­ly from the artist or through orga­ni­za­tions like Occuprint and Occu­py­To­geth­er. You can post them in your town.

New York­er cov­er artist and book illus­tra­tor Eric Drook­er has cre­at­ed sev­er­al beau­ti­ful posters, includ­ing the one above. You can down­load a high-res­o­lu­tion copy suit­able for print­ing at

The not­ed Los Ange­les graph­ic artist, car­toon­ist and radio per­son­al­i­ty Lalo Alcaraz cre­at­ed this par­o­dy of the top­pling of the Sad­dam Hus­sein stat­ue in Bagh­dad for Occu­py Los Ange­les. In a mes­sage on his web­site, Alcaraz invites peo­ple to dis­trib­ute the image.

Alexan­dra Clot­fel­ter is a stu­dent of adver­tis­ing design and illus­tra­tion at the Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design in Geor­gia. Since donat­ing her design, “The Begin­ning is Near,” to, it has become one of the most pop­u­lar posters to emerge from the move­ment. In response to requests, Clot­fel­ter is offer­ing a high-qual­i­ty Giclee print for sale, with a por­tion of the prof­its going to sup­port Occuprint­’s project of dis­trib­ut­ing free posters world­wide.

In this poster, Zucot­ti Park is por­trayed as the “Tip of the Ice­berg.” Indeed, the Occu­py move­ment extends to places like Lawrence, Kansas, where mural­ist, print­mak­er and writer Dave Loewen­stein is based. Loewen­stein’s design is avail­able for free at

Poster artist Rich Black of Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia cre­at­ed this image for Occu­py Oak­land. It’s avail­able for free down­load at

To see a vari­ety of Occu­py posters by oth­er artists (and to down­load them for free) you can vis­it and

And don’t miss our post ear­li­er today: Shep­ard Fairey Caves In, Revis­es Occu­py Wall Street Poster.

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  • Chris says:

    Not a fan of the Fairey print, but these I love. Kot­tke (I think) com­ment­ed once that the “Inside the Loop” movie poster recalled the way movie posters used to look in the Gold­en Age of Hol­ly­wood — sim­ple, schemat­ic with a clear mes­sage. Maybe some­one in the OWS move­ment is also a fan of that aes­thet­ic.

  • Hanoch says:

    Per­haps the “occu­piers” could come up with some cogent pol­i­cy pro­pos­als. (“I am angry because that guy has more than me” does­n’t cut it.) When they accom­plish that, they might be able to cre­ate some posters that actu­al­ly con­vey a mes­sage.

  • ganesha23 says:

    Love all of the posters!!

    @Hanoch the OWS move­ment isn’t “angry because that guy has more than me”. We are angry because of the way these guys got what they have! I got the mes­sage the first day! I don’t under­stand how some peo­ple don’t get this. Maybe some want to just act like they don’t get it!

  • Jon says:

    Well spo­ken, Sol­i­dar­i­ty­Driv­en. “Cogent pol­i­cy pro­pos­als…” Hmmm. How about an exam­ple? How about the col­lege debt rack­et? The way the cur­rent sys­tem runs, you can’t expect to real­ly get any­where with­out that col­lege degree the are more often than not paid for by Fred­die Mac or Fan­nie Mae at 8% while they the USG sells the loan to these THUGS at 1%. Oh and by the way, if you get in over your head? You can’t be bailed out like cer­tain 1% For­tune 500 companies…Funny how bel­ly up com­pa­nies claim the rights and civil­i­ty of peo­ple and thus can claim bank­rupt­cy, but a stu­dent who gets caught in a mess of debt? Sor­ry, char­lie.

    No, nobody forced the stu­dent to take on the debt. That’s true…until you are two years in to col­lege and you HAVE to pay for the rest if you want to fin­ish.

  • Sol­i­dar­i­ty, uni­ty, trust, and loy­al­ty joined to the con­vic­tion of the truth and jus­tice of this cause will keep it alive. We must­n’t per­mit the forces of cyn­i­cism or pow­er­less­ness under­mine what has revealed itself as the true spir­it of the peo­ple, not only of this nation, but of the world in one cause. Fair­ness and jus­tice will bring the peace we’ve sought vain­ly in force.

  • Hanoch says:

    @SolidarityDriven: I do not sub­scribe to despis­ing oth­ers because they have more than I. Whether an indi­vid­ual is wor­thy of con­tempt has noth­ing to do with his or her wealth. Many who cur­rent­ly fall with­in the top 1% in annu­al income — and that group is flu­id and changes con­stant­ly — are hard work­ing and admirable peo­ple. That includes peo­ple who work in finance. Iron­i­cal­ly, the type of hate-filled and irre­spon­si­ble lan­guage you use to base­less­ly blan­ket entire groups of peo­ple with immoral con­duct is exact­ly the way the real thugs in “jack­boots” have caused so much mis­ery through­out his­to­ry.

  • Morgan says:

    @hanoch agreed not every­one should be paint­ed with the same brush. So let those prin­ci­pled 1%er stand up and use their influ­ence to bring human rights and social inequal­i­ty to the fore­front of what has become a vio­lent and unfriend­ly cycle of pover­ty for too many.

  • Hanoch says:

    @Morgan: I’ve got a bet­ter idea. How about 100% of us stand up and use the resources we have to make the world a more decent place. One place to start would be to stop wor­ry­ing about what the oth­er guy is or is not doing, and wor­ry about what we are doing. Imag­ine if all the peo­ple wast­ing their time “protest­ing” actu­al­ly woke up in the morn­ing and decid­ed they were going to use that time to actu­al­ly do some­thing pos­i­tive for some­one else.

  • hubbabubba says:

    Hanoch, you are a use­ful idiot.

    The only way you can actu­al­ly con­vince any­one to “use the resources we have to make the world a more decent place.”
    is through protest. Protest aimed at those who con­trol the resources and the sys­tem.

    You’ve tied your­self in a neat cir­cu­lar knot, sim­ply by say­ing your protest is 1% dif­fer­ent from theirs means noth­ing.

  • peacebewithyou says:

    I think some of the prob­lem is the peo­ple who think they are part of the 1% and feel they are being attacked by the 99%. In real­i­ty unless you own like 10 homes, have a ware­house full of cars, a bank account in the bil­lions you are mis­un­der­stand­ing the bat­tle that is being fought and feel­ing wrong­ful­ly offend­ed. It is almost unfath­omable to under­stand being THAT wealthy. Those Real­ly Real­ly wealthy groups of peo­ple that con­trol the wealth play monop­oly with all of us, includ­ing you. They pock­et the mon­ey of hard­work­ing Amer­i­cans (most­ly 99%ers) and dis­trib­ute it not. They encour­age us and expect us to spend our mon­ey for cap­i­talisms sake, how­ev­er the wealth they have attained stays put, not being put fair­ly into the mar­ket and in fact many loop­holes are cre­at­ed so they don’t have to pay ample tax­es, fees, and oth­er fair per­cent­age of their mon­ey to go into the main­te­nance of our coun­try-what­ev­er that might be. This protest is about fair­ness, equal­i­ty, jus­tice, and no one com­pa­ny or per­son being above the laws of the peo­ple.

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