The genÂder stereoÂtypes might be backÂward-lookÂing (we’ll make up for it latÂer in the day), but the techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal vision is on the mark, right down to email, e‑commerce and online bankÂing. Of course, these weren’t the only peoÂple imagÂinÂing an elecÂtronÂic, conÂnectÂed world durÂing the 1960s.
In 1964, the futurÂist Arthur C. Clarke peered into the future and saw our conÂnectÂedÂness comÂing. By 2000, he preÂdictÂed, “We could be in instant conÂtact with each othÂer, wherÂevÂer we may be,” and “it will be posÂsiÂble in that age … for a man to conÂduct his busiÂness from TahiÂti or Bali just as well as he could from LonÂdon.”
And then MarÂshall McLuhan underÂstood the trend too. He saw elecÂtronÂic media turnÂing our world into a social one, a world where serÂvices like FaceÂbook and TwitÂter would make comÂplete sense. You can watch the preÂscient MarÂshall McLuhan right here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Arthur C. Clarke PreÂdicts the Future in 1964 … And Kind of Nails It
The InterÂnet ImagÂined in 1969
MarÂshall McLuhan: The World is a GlobÂal VilÂlage
1930s FashÂion DesignÂers ImagÂine How PeoÂple Would Dress in the Year 2000
Oh the hours of joy that can be attained from youtube surfÂing archive footage and PSA’s.
Hmm, it looks modÂern, but more strikÂing in what it fails to preÂdict. The e‑commerce for examÂple is imagÂined by video link…
GivÂen that the first email was sent between Berkley and StanÂford in 1969, that’s not much of a leap of faith is it?
Cool! Wink MarÂtinÂdale’s first starÂring role. :)