A Quick Video Introduction to the World’s First Asteroid Mining Company

Per­haps you heard the news this week. Four bil­lion­aires (Lar­ry Page, Eric Schmidt, Ross Per­ot Jr. and Charles Simonyi) have thrown their finan­cial weight behind Plan­e­tary Resources, Inc., a Wash­ing­ton-based start­up with big and bold plans. Before our plan­et runs out of nat­ur­al resources, this ven­ture plans to start extract­ing water and met­als from resource-rich aster­oids fly­ing near Earth. One aster­oid, they spec­u­late, may con­tain more plat­inum than we’ve ever mined from Earth. Above, the com­pa­ny gives you a quick intro­duc­tion to their Sci­Fi-esque plans. The first Plan­e­tary Resources space­craft will launch with­in the next two years. via Devour

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  • AlonK says:

    Ahh…the promises..we have man­aged to turn this beau­ti­ful earth into a grave­yard and cre­ate sys­tems based on greed and inequal­i­ty but we will go into space and mine resources for the ben­e­fit of humanity…right…do these cap­tains of indus­try know the word Chutzpa?…before we destroy the world fur­ther let us make sure that every human has enough to eat, shel­ter, med­ical care, clean water…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.