Just How Small are Atoms? Mind Blowing TEDEd Animation Puts It All Into Perspective

In this new video from TED Edu­ca­tion, teacher and author Jonathan Bergmann uses col­or­ful analo­gies to help us visu­al­ize the scale of the atom and its nucle­us. Bergmann is a pio­neer of the “Flipped Class­room” teach­ing method, which inverts the tra­di­tion­al edu­ca­tion­al mod­el of class­room lec­tures fol­lowed by home­work. In a flipped class­room there are no lec­tures. Instead, teach­ers assign video lessons like the one above as home­work, and devote their class­room time to help­ing stu­dents work their way through prob­lems. To learn more about the flipped class­room method you can read a recent arti­cle co-authored by Bergmann in The Dai­ly Riff. And to see more TED Edu­ca­tion videos, which come with quizzes and  oth­er sup­ple­men­tary teach­ing mate­ri­als, vis­it the TED­Ed YouTube chan­nel.

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via Boing­Bo­ing

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  • David says:

    amaz­ing! thanks for shar­ing. This is the kind of mate­r­i­al schools should work with.

  • Neil says:

    Thanks for this video. I’ve been fol­low­ing your blog for around two years now and you’ve often led me to some great resources and videos. As a teacher I’ve found some of them very use­ful and inspir­ing to use in my class. I’m not entire­ly con­vinced by the flipped class­room method, but I think that it’s an inter­est­ing con­cept. But it’s great for teach­ers to pro­duce qual­i­ty videos for chil­dren to use at home, it’s just a shame that there is not always time to do it.

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