We’ve feaÂtured the linÂguist and polemiÂcist Noam ChomÂsky here before, and not two weeks ago we postÂed about philosoÂpher-broadÂcastÂer Bryan Magee. The Ideas of Noam ChomÂsky brings the two men togethÂer for a chat about linÂguisÂtics, the phiÂlosÂoÂphy of lanÂguage, human cogÂniÂtive proÂgramÂming, and the phiÂlosÂoÂphy of sciÂence. Though Magee introÂduces ChomÂsky, a highÂly nonÂtraÂdiÂtionÂal intelÂlecÂtuÂal to his adherÂents and detracÂtors alike, as “someÂthing of a jokÂer in the pack, as far as phiÂlosÂoÂphy is conÂcerned,” he interÂviews him with all the attenÂtiveÂness and respect he brings to disÂcusÂsions with pureÂly philoÂsophÂiÂcal lumiÂnarÂies. ClearÂly, Magee wants to know more about ChomÂsky’s theÂoÂries of lanÂguage, and espeÂcialÂly about their impliÂcaÂtions for what he calls the domÂiÂnant philoÂsophÂiÂcal probÂlem: “that of the relaÂtionÂship between lanÂguage and the world.”
Rarely quesÂtioned along these lines in the media, ChomÂsky responds thoughtÂfulÂly and in detail. This ultiÂmateÂly leads to a conÂverÂsaÂtion about the divide between where meanÂingÂful sciÂenÂtifÂic theÂoÂries can develÂop, and where our cogÂniÂtive limÂiÂtaÂtions might preÂvent them from develÂopÂing. You’ll notice that none of this has to do with polÂiÂtics, and politÂiÂcal guidÂance is what most of ChomÂsky’s fans have expectÂed from him over the decades. While even ChomÂsky himÂself has admitÂted to seeÂing no conÂnecÂtion between his acaÂdÂeÂmÂic and activist careers, Magee purÂsues a line of inquiry late in the broadÂcast meant to tie them togethÂer. Magee asks astute quesÂtions and ChomÂsky proÂvides honÂest answers, but findÂing a comÂmon root between ideas like deep gramÂmar and anarÂchist socialÂism perÂhaps remains an intelÂlecÂtuÂal stunt best not tried at home.
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RelatÂed conÂtent:
Noam ChomÂsky & Michel FouÂcault Debate Human Nature & PowÂer (1971)
Bryan Magee’s In-Depth, Uncut TV ConÂverÂsaÂtions With Famous PhilosoÂphers (1978–87)
Ali G and Noam ChomÂsky Talk LinÂguisÂtics
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
ChomÂsky did a monÂuÂmenÂtal error (I’d rather call it crime):he thought in EngÂlish and for the EngÂlish lanÂguage.
LinÂguis-TX alway changes.
And I have a Ph.D in Urban PlanÂning.