FreshÂly postÂed on pubÂlishÂer Melville House’s blog, you’ll find examÂples of visuÂal art by texÂtuÂal artists; drawÂings and paintÂings, in othÂer words, drawn and paintÂed by peoÂple who have gone down in hisÂtoÂry for their way with senÂtences. This could easÂiÂly turn into a lesÂson about not quitÂting one’s day job. But, as you can see from the work above, Maria Nys HuxÂley at SiesÂta, Melville House blogÂger Kevin MurÂphy hasÂn’t put togethÂer a study in the incomÂpeÂtence of the diletÂtante. You’ve sureÂly already guessed the litÂerÂary conÂnecÂtion: the paintÂing came from the hand of Brave New World author Aldous HuxÂley, who put his wife Maria Nys to canÂvas in 1920, when both were still in their twenÂties.
The post feaÂtures more paintÂings from the late eighÂteenth cenÂtuÂry to the mid-twenÂtiÂeth by Johann WolfÂgang von Goethe, VicÂtor Hugo, MarÂcel Proust, HerÂmann Hesse, e.e. cumÂmings, ZelÂda FitzgerÂald, Jack KerÂouac, FlanÂnery O’ConÂnor, and HenÂry Miller. Each one reflects someÂthing familÂiar about the painter’s main line of work: Goethe’s, bucolÂic reverÂie; Proust’s, the sketchÂiÂness of fadÂing memÂoÂry enriched by a scatÂterÂing of bold details; HesÂse’s, a stare of unbroÂken intenÂsiÂty. One parÂticÂuÂlar outÂlier, with its simÂple pen-and-ink comÂpoÂsiÂtion as well as its overt humor, expressÂes the litÂerÂary perÂsonÂalÂiÂty of its creÂator more strongÂly than all the othÂers put togethÂer:
Find the full colÂlecÂtion here.
via @KirstinButler
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ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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