Mashup Duet: Miles Davis Improvising on LCD Soundsystem

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Comments (3)
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  • J says:

    very enter­tain­ing. But the Miles Davis video—he’s stand­ing in front of a screen, impro­vis­ing to the rhythms of the film. What if…as a fundrais­er for NY/NJ Sandy vic­tims, James Mur­phy offered a video of the song, and asked 15 or so musi­cal artists from a wide vari­ety of gen­res, to do the same: impro­vise a solo against the track?

  • Michel Godin says:

    Woooow. Tremen­dous video. Bril­liant and sim­ple edi­tion!!

  • mario says:

    where js the thumbs up but­ton?? :-) good idea…

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.