A cerÂtain motion picÂture has as its main charÂacÂters Joe DiMagÂgio, Joseph McCarthy, Albert EinÂstein, and MarÂiÂlyn MonÂroe. Sure, the script calls them the BallplayÂer, the SenÂaÂtor, the ProÂfesÂsor, and the Actress, but there’s no misÂtakÂing their real idenÂtiÂties. SureÂly this already intrigues anyÂone interÂestÂed in midÂcenÂtuÂry AmerÂiÂcan culÂture, but what if I also menÂtioned that in the direcÂtor’s chair sits NicoÂlas Roeg, whose richÂly askew visions for WalkÂaÂbout, Don’t Look Now, and The Man Who Fell to Earth so enriched the cinÂeÂma of the sevÂenÂties? AdaptÂed from a stage play by TerÂry JohnÂson, 1985’s InsignifÂiÂcance has each of its iconÂic charÂacÂters pass through a sinÂgle New York City hotel room in 1954. RoughÂly halfway through the stoÂry, we get the scene above, an explaÂnaÂtion of the theÂoÂry of relÂaÂtivÂiÂty: by the Actress to the ProÂfesÂsor.
MarÂiÂlyn MonÂroe’s interÂest in things EinÂsteinÂian seems at least someÂwhat groundÂed in realÂiÂty; JohnÂson thought up the play after readÂing about an autoÂgraphed phoÂto of the physiÂcist found among the late star’s posÂsesÂsions. Roeg felt a simÂiÂlarÂly strong reacÂtion upon watchÂing the stage proÂducÂtion, seizÂing the mateÂrÂiÂal as an opporÂtuÂniÂty to explore the theme of how “nobody knows a damn thing about anyÂone.” This he espeÂcialÂly illusÂtratÂed in the disÂtant marÂriage of the Actress and the BallplayÂer, their real-life inspiÂraÂtions havÂing been briefly marÂried themÂselves. (In the role of the Actress Roeg cast ThereÂsa RusÂsell, his own then-wife.) Though not Roeg’s best-known film, InsignifÂiÂcance has nonetheÂless inspired a conÂstant stream of acaÂdÂeÂmÂic and cinephilic disÂcusÂsion since its release, and it received a handÂsome CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion ediÂtion last year. And if I had my way, I’d encourÂage both film and physics teachÂers everyÂwhere to fire it up on slow class days.
via BibÂliokÂlept
RelatÂed conÂtent:
MarÂiÂlyn MonÂroe Reads Joyce’s Ulysses at the PlayÂground (1955)
EinÂstein DocÂuÂmenÂtary Offers A RevealÂing PorÂtrait of the Great 20th CenÂtuÂry SciÂenÂtist Einstein’s Big Idea: E=mc²
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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