In 2001, none othÂer than Sir Mick JagÂger bought the rights to a novÂel by Robert HarÂris called EnigÂma. The novÂel, a ficÂtionÂalÂized account of WWII British codeÂbreakÂers, then became a feaÂture film, writÂten by Tom StopÂpard, proÂduced by Sir Mick, and starÂring Mr. Dougray Scott and Ms. Kate Winslett as derÂring-do BletchÂley Park mathÂeÂmatiÂcians and cryptÂanÂaÂlysts employed in a race against time and the Nazis to break the fabled EnigÂma code before all hell breaks loose. It all sounds very draÂmatÂic (and I’ve heard the film is enterÂtainÂing), but things didn’t hapÂpen quite like that. RealÂiÂty is nevÂer so forÂmuÂlaÂic or so good-lookÂing. But the EnigÂma code was broÂken, and the stoÂry of the code machine and its evenÂtuÂal decrypÂtion is fasÂciÂnatÂing on its own terms. As UniÂverÂsiÂty of CamÂbridge “EnigÂma Project OffiÂcer” Dr. James Grime says–in the series of videos above and below–it’s a stoÂry of “how mathÂeÂmatiÂcians can save lives.” Still with me?
Okay, so in the first video above, Dr. Grime gives us a thorÂough tour of the EnigÂma machine (Sir Mick owns one, by the way… but back to the hisÂtoÂry…). DevelÂoped by the GerÂmans, it’s a marÂvelous encrypÂtion method set into a small box that when opened resemÂbles litÂtle more than a fanÂcy WWII-era typeÂwriter. Oh, but it’s clever, you see, because the EnigÂma machine (the one above belongs to sciÂence writer Simon Singh) transÂlates ordiÂnary mesÂsages into code through an ingeÂnious method by which no letÂter in the code ever repeats, makÂing it almost imposÂsiÂble to decode in the ordiÂnary ways. The machine was quite comÂpliÂcatÂed for its time; it works by sendÂing the charÂacÂters typed by the keys through a series of circuits—first through three rotors like those on a comÂbiÂnaÂtion bike lock, but each with 26 places instead of ten.
Now at this point, the machine was nothÂing more than what was availÂable to any bank or busiÂness wishÂing to transÂmit trade secrets. But the GerÂman milÂiÂtary machines had an extra layÂer of encodÂing: at the front of their machines was a “plugÂboard,” someÂthing like a small switchÂboard. This allowed the codÂing comÂing through the rotors to be reseÂquenced for an extra levÂel of scramÂbling. In the GerÂman milÂiÂtary machines, the total numÂber of posÂsiÂble comÂbiÂnaÂtions for mesÂsage encrypÂtions comes to a stagÂgerÂing figÂure in the quadrillions. (The exact numÂber? 158,962,555,217,826,360,000). There’s a litÂtle more to the machine than that, but Dr. Grime can explain it much betÂter than I.
Of course, the EnigÂma Machine had to have a fatal flaw. OthÂerÂwise, no novÂel, no movie, no draÂma (and maybe no vicÂtoÂry?). What was it, you ask? AmazÂingÂly, as you will learn above, the very thing that made the EnigÂma nearÂly imposÂsiÂble to break, its abilÂiÂty to encode mesÂsages withÂout ever repeatÂing a letÂter, also made the code deciÂpherÂable. But first, Alan TurÂing had to step in. SadÂly, TurÂing is missÂing from EnigÂma the film. (More sadÂly, he was disÂgraced by the counÂtry he served, which put him on triÂal for his sexÂuÂalÂiÂty and humilÂiÂatÂed him to the point of suiÂcide). But as Grime shows above, TurÂing is one of the real heroes of the EnigÂma code stoÂry. CryptÂanÂaÂlysts iniÂtialÂly disÂcovÂered that they could deciÂpher ordiÂnary words and phrasÂes (like “Heil Hitler”) in the EnigÂma mesÂsages by matchÂing them up with strings of ranÂdom letÂters that nevÂer repeatÂed.
But this was not enough. In order for the EnigÂma code to work for the GerÂmans, each operator—sender and receiver—had to have exactÂly the same setÂtings on their rotors and plugÂboards. (The mesÂsages were transÂmitÂted over radio via Morse code). Each month had its own setÂtings, printÂed on code sheets in solÂuÂble ink that easÂiÂly disÂsolved in water. If the Allied codeÂbreakÂers deciÂphered the setÂtings, their decrypÂtion would be useÂless weeks latÂer. FurÂtherÂmore, the GerÂman navy had a more comÂpliÂcatÂed method of encodÂing than either the army or air force. The PolÂish had develÂoped a machine called the Bombe, which could deciÂpher army and air force codes, but not navy. What TurÂing did, along with GorÂdon WelchÂman, was develÂop his own verÂsion of the Bombe machine, which allowed him to break any verÂsion of the EnigÂma code in under 20 minÂutes since it bypassed most of the tedious guessÂwork and triÂal and error involved in earÂliÂer by-hand methÂods.
This is all very draÂmatÂic stuff, and we haven’t had one celebriÂty step in to dress it up. While I’m cerÂtain that EnigÂma the film is a treat, I’m grateÂful to Dr. Grime for his engageÂment with the actuÂal codeÂbreakÂing methÂods and real perÂsonÂalÂiÂties involved.
A third video of extra footage and outÂtakes is availÂable here if you’re still hunÂgry for more WWII codeÂbreakÂing secrets.
via SciÂence Dump
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian. He recentÂly comÂpletÂed a disÂserÂtaÂtion on land, litÂerÂaÂture, and labor.
It was Poles who cracked EnigÂma, learn some hisÂtoÂry here:
“In DecemÂber 1932, the PolÂish Cipher Bureau first broke GerÂmany’s milÂiÂtary EnigÂma ciphers. Five weeks before the outÂbreak of World War II, on 25 July 1939, in WarÂsaw, they preÂsentÂed their EnigÂma-decrypÂtion techÂniques and equipÂment to French and British milÂiÂtary intelÂliÂgence.”
As far as I know PolÂish sciÂenÂtists cracked EnigÂma. :)
Maybe actuÂalÂly watch the videos ???
He says the polÂish cracked the army and airÂforce enigÂma machines — but not the naval ones.
so if we are going to quote wikipedia — maybe use the right artiÂcle
“Alan TurÂing, a CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty mathÂeÂmatiÂcian and logiÂcian, proÂvidÂed much of the origÂiÂnal thinkÂing that led to the design of the cryptÂanÂaÂlytÂiÂcal Bombe machines (an improveÂment of the PolÂish BomÂba), and the evenÂtuÂal breakÂing of naval EnigÂma.”
WĹ‚aĹ›nie, koledzy, obeÂjrzyjÂcie najpierw filmy :)
I wrote a small book about the breakÂing of the enigÂma code, if someÂone wants to know more about this topÂic:
(ebook, pdf and audioÂbook are free!)
It was Poles who cracked EnigÂma!!! British liers!
MoĹĽe najpierw przeczyÂtaÂjÂcie artykuĹ‚, a nie robiÂcie naszeÂmu kraÂjowi wstyd, potem siÄ™ dziÂwicie, ĹĽe reszÂta Ĺ›wiaÂta ma nas za idiotĂłw. Tutaj cytat:
“The PolÂish had develÂoped a machine called the Bombe, which could deciÂpher army and air force codes, but not navy.”
Please don’t mind comÂments made by some, who had been brought here because of false inforÂmaÂtion postÂed on anothÂer webÂsite. SadÂly they care not to read actuÂal artiÂcle, thus lackÂing basic knowlÂedge and underÂstandÂing.
To everyÂone who says that the Poles cracked the code.
The PolÂish did crack a type of the EngiÂma Code, but, it was at the start of the war. Even before that. The GerÂmans learned of them breakÂing the code. So, they changed it. So in fact, both the British and the PolÂish cracked the enigÂma code.
Dr. Miller at the NSA says the numÂber of comÂbiÂnaÂtions was much bigÂger than the numÂber statÂed in this artiÂcle (3 X 10^114). Also, MariÂam RejewÂsÂki (PolÂish mathÂeÂmatiÂcian) broke the first verÂsions of enigÂma. Believe it or not, the GerÂmans kept changÂing the machines to make it more difÂfiÂcult to crack. Both the Poles and the Brits put some great efforts in crackÂing enigÂma. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, the Brits get most of the credÂit since the last bombes were made by them and they could crack all enigÂma codes.
I think everyÂone interÂestÂed in crypÂtolÂogy must see the “mind of code breakÂers ” to underÂstand in detail the impact of the ENIGMA machine
BeauÂtiÂful machine,
As far as I know the EnigÂma machine is stronger than curÂrent CredÂit Card, because in EnigÂma machine occur more posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to encrypÂtion than in CC.
PS. Great artiÂcle about EnigÂma, I was findÂing some artiÂcle about this machine everyÂwhere, and I think that this artiÂcle is one of the best!
My grandÂfaÂther, AlexanÂder Barr, was also very involved in the work with enigÂma, I believe he was on the decodÂing team. Can anyÂone give me any details?
WonÂderÂful videos about breakÂing the EnigÂma code. Dr. Grime makes a comÂpliÂcatÂed subÂject accesÂsiÂble and excitÂing.
It’s a bit of tired trope to claim that “the Poles cracked EnigÂma”. They cracked an earÂliÂer, much easÂiÂer verÂsion of EnigÂma. The one used by the KriegsÂmaÂrine durÂing the war had a state space that was orders of magÂniÂtude largÂer. All the breakÂthroughs at BletchÂley Park were specifÂiÂcalÂly to address this vastÂly largÂer state space. This required both new comÂputÂing machines and the invenÂtion of ingeÂnious new heurisÂtics for reducÂing the size of the state space.
The PolÂish work was just the startÂing point for ULTRA. By their own admisÂsion, the Poles did not have the resources to solve the latÂer incarÂnaÂtions of EnigÂma.
I underÂstood that parÂtial knowlÂedge of the encrypÂtion potenÂtial result is used to find the machine setÂtings for the day. Is this a deducÂtive or inducÂtive process? Dr. Grime states that it is deducÂtive.
The artiÂcle states “its abilÂiÂty to encode mesÂsages withÂout ever repeatÂing a letÂter”… this is a comÂplete misÂunÂderÂstandÂing of the funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty.
The machine was built in a way so that a letÂter could nevÂer be encodÂed as itself. That was the flaw… it allowed cribÂbing of comÂmon words like Heil Hitler to rule out the imposÂsiÂble decrypÂtions that had letÂters encodÂed as themÂselves.
PerÂhaps read a book before you write an artiÂcle.
Yes, but the GerÂman milÂiÂtary inventÂed their own verÂsion of the enigÂma machine. Alan TurÂing also develÂoped a machine that could deciÂpher the code in under 20 minÂutes, which helped the British enorÂmousÂly when the GerÂmans changed the setÂtings everyÂday towards the end of the war.
Thank you for these two fasÂciÂnatÂing videos! EspeÂcialÂly loved the calÂcuÂlaÂtions as to how they derived the 159 quinÂtilÂlion (or a litÂtle less) posÂsiÂble comÂbiÂnaÂtions.
This inforÂmaÂtion realÂly helped my research project. It’s very interÂestÂing how TurÂing conÂtributed to the war. I think it’s amazÂing idea and I’m glad I got to learn about it.
There is a difÂferÂent between an “improveÂment” and a new invenÂtion. What TurÂing did was an improveÂment. The PolÂish already made machines that can crack the EnigÂma code. What the navy uses is just a litÂtle difÂferÂent from the army and air forces. It’s unfair to give TurÂing too much credÂit because he got too much inspiÂraÂtion from othÂers.
They did but the British made a much more advanced and quickÂer way to break it.
InterÂestÂing artiÂcle. The EngÂlish did a great job at overÂcomÂing the GerÂman EnigÂma machine. The PolÂish did a great job at overÂcomÂing the GerÂman EnigÂma machine too. Each counÂtry did what they needÂed to do withÂout regard to credÂit. The entire world dynamÂic was at stake durÂing WWII. We can all hope hisÂtoÂry does not repeat itself, but alas we have already forÂgotÂten the horÂrors of war. The midÂdle east is ablaze and everyÂone has their hands on the “fire” butÂton.
Stay thristy my friends!
The peoÂple at BletchÂley Park recogÂnise the fact that the Poles broke EnigÂma using mathÂeÂmatiÂcians. They emphaÂsise the point that they showed the way forÂward to breakÂing the EngiÂma and Lorentz codes. WithÂout the Poles, the British may have not had the head start they did.
Don’t think it realÂly matÂters who did what — the result is the same
What is more interÂestÂing is what hapÂpened to RejewÂsÂki — you would have thought the British might have made more use of him when he arrived in EngÂland — but he was givÂen some minor code breakÂing role.
Watch the movie “The ImiÂtaÂtion Game”. It’s not titÂtled EnigÂma as sugÂgestÂed in this artiÂcle.
Why does the artiÂcle say the movie is titled EnigÂma, when the real title of the movie ablut EnigÂma is The ImiÂtaÂtion Game. I watched it this weekÂend.
AnyÂone out there admire the late MeredÂith Knox GardÂner as much as I do? A crypÂtoÂlogÂiÂcal hero like none othÂer.
A interÂestÂing artiÂcle. I’m gerÂman and I adore Alan TurÂing and GorÂdon WelchÂman. For a periÂod of more than two years I conÂstructÂed a ElecÂtronÂic TurÂing-WelchÂman-Bombe. In a preÂsenÂtaÂtion on YOUTUBE with the title “TurÂing WelchÂman Bombe ElecÂtronÂic Bombe” I explain step by step the whole decrypÂtion proÂceÂdure. If you don’t speak gerÂman, let YOUTUBE transÂlate it and look at the subÂtiÂtle.
A lot of greetÂings from gerÂmany.
GusÂtav Vogels
EnigÂma (2001)
The ImiÂtaÂtion Game (2014)
usa and britain are good allies,