Name the three figÂures, livÂing or dead, with whom you would most like to sit down to dinÂner. Though perÂhaps a litÂtle tired, the chalÂlenge still reveals someÂthing worth knowÂing about the responÂdenÂt’s perÂsonÂalÂiÂty. If I know the perÂsonÂalÂiÂties of Open CulÂture readÂers at all, I’d wager that more than a few of you would choose to set places at the table for Carl Sagan, Stephen HawkÂing, and Arthur C. Clarke. AnyÂone interÂestÂed in askÂing the big, exisÂtenÂtial quesÂtions and underÂstandÂing the sciÂence underÂneath them would have the time of their lives at such a meal, espeÂcialÂly if astroÂphysÂiÂcalÂly inclined. But until a genie grants you this wish, may we offer God, the UniÂverse, and EveryÂthing Else?
PreÂsentÂed by MagÂnus MagÂnusÂson, longÂtime host of the BBC’s MasÂterÂmind, this proÂgram brings the three togethÂer to disÂcuss “the Big Bang theÂoÂry, God, our exisÂtence as well as the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of extraterÂresÂtriÂal life.” HawkÂing, of course, talks through his sigÂnaÂture speech synÂtheÂsizÂer, and Sagan joins up through a satelÂlite link — beamed through, yes, the very sort of floatÂing mirÂaÂcles of engiÂneerÂing that Clarke wrote about in his novÂels. With minds like these, you can rest assured that the conÂverÂsaÂtion won’t stray far from what Sagan calls “the funÂdaÂmenÂtal quesÂtions,” nor will it come untethÂered from estabÂlished human knowlÂedge and float into the realms of wild specÂuÂlaÂtion and wishÂful thinkÂing. And of course, in such conÂverÂsaÂtions, a sense of humor like HawkÂing’s — a man who, not expectÂed to reach age thirÂty, would nevÂerÂtheÂless live to see more advanceÂment in human knowlÂedge than anyÂone else on the broadÂcast — nevÂer goes amiss.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Carl Sagan and Stephen HawkÂing Remixed
Watch Errol MorÂris’ TribÂute to Stephen HawkÂing, A Brief HisÂtoÂry of Time
SevÂen QuesÂtions for Stephen HawkÂing: What Would He Ask Albert EinÂstein & More
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture and writes essays on litÂerÂaÂture, film, cities, Asia, and aesÂthetÂics. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
InterÂestÂed nd pls update me
Is it posÂsiÂble to have this marÂvelÂlous interÂview with
french subÂtiÂtles ?
I would appreÂciÂate so much
SciÂenÂtist Stephen HawkÂing clearÂly said in his research paper about the
reliÂgious thought that, there is no limÂit in the place of this
uniÂverse, there is no beginÂning or end of time and there is nothÂing
that can be done by the creÂator. Again he said that when opened full
work of creÂation, then we are known with God and mankind is share-hold
of that knowlÂedge.
See the light-
EncourÂagÂing the spirÂit of disÂcovÂery and sharÂing of funÂdaÂmenÂtal
knowlÂedge about the UniÂverse and our place in its midst. Find out most
imporÂtant answerÂing of the quesÂtions about the uniÂverse creÂation or
creÂator yet, remainÂing a quesÂtion may be arisen that the field of
sinÂgle dimenÂsion or dark enerÂgy or a black hole or a source or
origÂiÂnatÂing cause or first cause or omnivÂoÂrous or nature or creÂator
how occurred?
ConÂseÂquentÂly, If you underÂstand about the fact! Strike the right note
or put up to note sheet against my webÂsite inforÂmaÂtion. New DisÂcovÂery of the UniÂverse: can be found at
About god
It’s not easy to talk about god it’s very very comÂpliÂcatÂed quesÂtion
Because how your expeÂriÂence and othÂer expeÂriÂences both are difÂferÂent
Human sciÂence believes in proof
As you know when innoÂcent human who know the god is destroyed via evil monÂster greed how you can get proof as it hapÂpen in past and as its hapÂpen curÂrentÂly
As you have seen
BhagÂwad geeÂta
As you have seen
On many HolÂlyÂwood, BolÂlyÂwood movie
And great tv shows and awards
God defÂiÂnÂiÂtion change as per the sitÂuÂaÂtion
But may be someÂthing some kind of things
Is conÂtrolÂling and watchÂing everyÂthing’s
Every secÂonds
May be its god or may be its evil monÂster
When things are invisÂiÂble
How you can get the proof
And may be god father quesÂtion
Why you want to know me
What you will give and do I will give you the same
You grow manÂgo tree I will give you manÂgo
May be god father say for how long I will pay for your sin and misÂtake which intenÂtionÂalÂly you are doing
Take care of the godÂfaÂther beauÂtiÂful mothÂer earth which is already in many probÂlem
Grow more trees and save fresh food water and daiÂly required things for life
And save the godÂfaÂther beauÂtiÂful mothÂer earth and ther natÂurÂal resources with healthy wealthy limÂitÂed popÂuÂlaÂtions and more equalÂiÂty because resources are limÂitÂed
On beauÂtiÂful mothÂer earth
As there is no apple water on desert
The godÂfaÂther
Noah, Gandhi,the avengers end game, star…?