Watch Jimi Hendrix’s ‘Voodoo Chile’ Performed on a Gayageum, a Traditional Korean Instrument

Jimi Hen­drix’s 1968 song “Voodoo Chile” is already a clas­sic. But it becomes all the more so when you see it per­formed by Luna Lee on a Gayageum, a tra­di­tion­al Kore­an stringed instru­ment. The first Gayageum dates back to the 6th cen­tu­ry. If you like see­ing west­ern rock stan­dards reimag­ined with­in an Asian aes­thet­ic, then you won’t want to miss: The Talk­ing Heads’ “This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)” Per­formed on Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Instru­ments.

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Relat­ed Con­tent: 

‘Elec­tric Church’: The Jimi Hen­drix Expe­ri­ence Live in Stock­holm, 1969

Hen­drix Plays Sgt. Pepper’s Lone­ly Hearts Club Band, 1967

Enter Jeff Slatnick’s Won­der­ful World of New-Fan­gled and Res­ur­rect­ed Instru­ments

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Comments (38)
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  • Geno says:

    Oh my heart! This is beau­ti­ful!

  • indybend says:

    wow — I’m speech­less.

  • Martin says:

    Love­ly, won­der­ful … fanatas­tic stuff, con­grat­u­la­tions to the artist …

  • ERIC C.SUTTON,JD says:

    DYING as I am.

  • This is incred­i­ble. this artist is so tal­ent­ed in her pre­sen­ta­tion. A must to lis­ten to.

  • Andy Ashling says:

    I real­ly know this song. It’s my favorite Hen­drix. She is spec­tac­u­lar!

  • Wilberth says:

    Es her­moso.. Feli­ci­dades.

  • Riley says:

    This is awe­some!

  • Joe Wood says:

    This just blows me away! Great ren­di­tion!

  • bill blyth says:

    to cool

  • Adam says:

    You do know that the Jimi Hen­drix clas­sic is “Voodoo CHILD” not “Chile”?!

  • Adam says:

    Very cool ren­di­tion all the same!

  • Sam says:

    Err Adam…its Chile. Cock­face.

  • Kevin Kiefaber says:

    This phe­nom­e­nal! Jimi reborn as a mod­est but beau­ti­ful Kore­an woman… who would have guessed that?

  • dave says:

    fan­tas­tic, mind blow­ing, awe­some, spec­tac­u­lar, unearth­ly, out of the world per­for­mance!!! This would have made Jimi so proud!

  • Alvaro says:

    No need to argue ““Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” is the last track on Elec­tric Lady­land, the third and final album by the Jimi Hen­drix Expe­ri­ence. The song is known for its wah-wah-heavy gui­tar work. It is #101 on Rolling Stone’s list of 500 great­est songs of all time.[1]

    The song was record­ed in 1968, and was re-released as a sin­gle after Hen­drix’s death in 1970. It was the A side on a three-track record, and reached Num­ber 1 in the UK. It was cat­a­logued as “Voodoo Chile” (Track 2095 001), and that is the title which appears on the sin­gle and is the title referred to offi­cial­ly. The term “slight return” refers to the song’s ini­tial role as a reprise of the 15-minute track “Voodoo Chile” fea­tured ear­li­er on the album Elec­tric Lady­land.

  • Keith Collings says:

    That would have been a real hit at wood­stock!!!!!!!!

  • otakimaori says:

    Awe­some, I would buy a copy and play it in my H2 while stuck in traf­ic ..real­ly loud though. Jimi would love it too.

  • Tom says:

    It is in fact “…Chile.“Too bad the west­ern instru­ment mix tend­ed to dom­i­nate this beau­ti­ful ren­di­tion.

  • JP says:

    This is an incred­i­ble ren­di­tion of a great Hen­drix song. I’ve lis­tened to it over and over again. It’s much much bet­ter if you wear head­phones. There are so many dif­fer­ent ins­tu­men­tal sounds that you don’t hear when you’re just lis­ten­ing to it on a lap­top.

  • JP says:

    I wish she’d do a whole Hen­drix album. Otaki­maori, you’re right, Jimi would love this ren­di­tion.

  • This gal did a won­der­ful ren­di­tion of a clas­sic by the great Hen­drix..

  • alex says:

    awe­some ren­di­tion, jim­my would have been proud.

  • R. Mark Womack says:

    Very cool! I loved it.

  • Donna Fritz says:

    That was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hear more!!!

  • Carolyn says:

    This young woman rocks! Great exe­cu­tion! Love it!

  • Mary Evergreen says:

    @Kevin Kiefaber, I was think­ing the same thing: rein­car­na­tion is a real thing. Tibetan monks have proven it, the present Dalai Lama being most notable, when he was a child he remem­bered all sorts of things from his pre­vi­ous life (Kun­dun, that is a good movie about him — May All Pre­vail)

    Jimi said and wrote a few things that were mys­ti­cal of that nature, “I got 245 days before I go and nev­er come­back…” (approx, I don’t remem­ber exact­ly the num­ber of days or the exact word­ing, and I don’t feel like tak­ing the time right now, as I write this, to research; if you know JImi Hendryx stuff, then you know what I mean by this quote)
    My point being, in clos­ing, how old is this woman? She looks like she was born after 1972…

    I read that there is a 49 day “ges­ta­tion” , or “lim­bo” amount of time between death and birth. It does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean that one is born exact­ly 49 days after one dies, but I think it’s the min­i­mum amount of “time”, (the way we mea­sure time — which does­n’t exist out of the phys­i­cal realm) that pass­es before one’s soul re-enters the low­er vibra­to­ry rates of phys­i­cal exis­tence.
    Jimi might have said he was­n’t com­ing back, but his soul came back any­way, because he real­ly was more of a Bot­ti­sat­va than he said, or believed, he was…
    I’m sure there was much that nev­er got record­ed or filmed or tran­scribed of what he was real­ly about, and souls like him (and you, and me, and you, and you, and you too!) have to keep com­ing back to help oth­ers reach Enlight­en­ment, so that we can all go into Nir­vana togeth­er; because we are all One with­in All are with­in the One is with­in All are with­in the One is with­in All…
    May all reach Enlight­en­ment — Blessed be — In Lakesh — Namaste — etc — :P :D :-) <:-{) (-:C
    (don’t mind my lit­tle “emoti­cons, I exper­i­ment­ed to see which ones would be a gif or stay the same…)
    (I’m new to this par­tic­u­lar site, Face­block had a link and I got real­ly intu­it)

  • Arthur Stephens says:

    How cool!

  • Jon Spayde says:

    This very cool woman is Luna, and here are her gayageum cov­ers of oth­er tunes, includ­ing “Hit the Road, Jack ” and “Hotel Cal­i­for­nia.”

  • Jon Spayde says:

    And her album, which includes “All Along the Watch­tow­er”

  • Candi Labra says:

    wicked good

  • Gregory Wonderwheel says:

    When a great per­son, a mahasatt­va, dies their kar­ma spreads out and is reborn in many direc­tions. This young lady has obvi­ous­ly received some of Jim­i’s bright kar­ma. She is fan­tas­tic doing what is right­ly called a rock and roll clas­sic.

  • samuel says:

    I would like to get in touch for kid train­ing in future

  • Joscelyn says:

    Funki­est girl on the plan­et

  • Someone says:

    Please see the inter­net for Voodoo Chile vs Voodoo Child con­fu­sion:


  • chris says:

    amaz­ing to hear, and the com­ments!

  • Todd Russell says:

    Obvi­ous­ly tal­ent­ed , have mixed feel­ings about it.

  • Eddy says:

    Absolute­ly phe­nom­e­nal.….

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