In late May, The SeatÂtle PubÂlic Library set a world record for the Longest Book DomiÂno Chain, accordÂing to the World Record AcadÂeÂmy. Watch as 2,131 books — all part of an upcomÂing book sale — fall one by one. ApparÂentÂly, it took 27 volÂunÂteers sevÂen hours — and five failed attempts — to pull off this feat for the ages. h/t MetafilÂter
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers
PorÂtrait of a BookÂstore as an Old Man (a 52 minute docÂuÂmenÂtary that pays homage to ShakeÂspeare and ComÂpaÂny)
Books LovÂingÂly Savored in Stop Motion Film
Going West: A Stop Motion NovÂel
amazÂing. You must have had an engiÂneer someÂwhere in your volÂunÂteer group, that was not easy to do! ConÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions, all.
Quite a good way to proÂmote readÂing — and the library itself.
I love books
WonÂderÂful!!! What fun. Have a great sumÂmer. me
I love the books n jay foley u r doing great thing in the enterÂtainÂment indusÂtry n I wish to meet u 1 day cos u r ma menÂtor