Watch an Animated Version of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner Made of 12,597 Watercolor Paintings

The Swedish artist Anders Ram­sell spent the bet­ter part of the last year and a half work­ing on a trib­ute to Rid­ley Scot­t’s Blade Run­ner, and now it’s ready for the world to see. Run­ning 35 min­utes, Blade Run­ner — The Aquarelle Edi­tion fol­lows the orig­i­nal movie’s gen­er­al sto­ry­line while tak­ing cer­tain lib­er­ties. (Ram­sell calls it a “para­phrase” of the orig­i­nal film.) Rather amaz­ing­ly, the ani­mat­ed film con­sists of 12,597 hand­made aquarelle/watercolor paint­ings, each about 1.5‑x-3 cen­time­ters in size. As Mike Krum­boltz right­ly observes, the “result is like a Mon­et paint­ing come to dystopi­an life.” Ram­sell is a stu­dent at Kon­st­fack — Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stock­holm. Some of the indi­vid­ual frames/paintings can be found on his per­son­al web­site. For more ani­mat­ed films, please vis­it the Ani­ma­tion sec­tion of our col­lec­tion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Blade Run­ner Sketch­book Fea­tures The Orig­i­nal Art of Syd Mead & Rid­ley Scott (1982)

Blade Run­ner is a Waste of Time: Siskel & Ebert in 1982

Watch Piotr Dumala’s Won­der­ful Ani­ma­tions of Lit­er­ary Works by Kaf­ka and Dos­to­evsky

Hem­ing­way’s The Old Man & The Sea Ani­mat­ed 

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  • dailyllama says:

    I enjoyed this; easy to fol­low since I am so con­ver­sant with the film. All the high spots were touched on as the sto­ry unfolds. The water­colours going from neb­u­lous to pre­cise depend­ing on the needs of the sto­ry. Very fine work.

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