Batgirl Fights for Equal Pay in a 1960s Television Ad Supporting The Equal Pay Act

Fea­tured on the Emi­ly’s List Face­book Page today is this “PSA from the 1960s,” where “Bat­girl advo­cates for equal pay while sav­ing Bat­man and Robin.” Emi­ly’s List, a PAC aim­ing to put more pro-choice Demo­c­rat female can­di­dates into polit­i­cal office, goes on to note, “Over 50 years ago, Con­gress passed the Equal Pay Act, a law designed to end wage dis­crim­i­na­tion against women. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the fight’s still got many rounds left.”

Indeed, a 2008 Cen­sus Bureau report shows that wom­en’s medi­an annu­al earn­ings were 77.5% of men’s earn­ings, and efforts to address that imbal­ance with The Pay­check Fair­ness Act have been fil­i­bus­tered suc­cess­ful­ly by Repub­li­cans in the Sen­ate. Although Pres­i­dent Oba­ma sup­ports the mea­sure, data shows women aren’t far­ing well finan­cial­ly in the Oba­ma White House either. Where’s Bat­girl when we need her?

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  • PD Weber says:

    When the com­par­isons are actu­al­ly apples to apples, it’s $.95 — same edu­ca­tion, same years in the par­tic­u­lar work/industry, same num­ber of annu­al hours worked. Unequal? Agreed. But, then, if you throw in 30+ years of affir­ma­tive action for women (mean­ing struc­tur­al dis­ad­van­tage for men), total­ly unequal shar­ing of casu­al­ties in war, female-run HR depart­ments, and a myr­i­ad of set-aside pro­grams (just ask the mil­i­tary and law enforce­ment, as a starter), and this whole “social jus­tice” non­sense falls apart. Asian- and Euro­pean-Amer­i­cans KNOW they are get­ting the shaft (esp. the so-called “white” guys), but our PC cul­ture just shuts them down. The only “equal” there should be is equal OPPORTUNITY — no set-asides, no social pro­mo­tions, no affir­ma­tive action…we’d end up with a TRUER depic­tion — and cer­tain­ly a more pro­duc­tive and mer­i­to­ri­ous work­place — if we let peo­ple actu­al­ly advance as a result of intel­lect, work eth­ic, and per­se­ver­ance. The world is pass­ing us by large­ly BECAUSE OF our PC-stu­pid­i­ty and focus on con­trived “rights”, while the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty, large­ly, looks at one’s brains and effort, rather than on super­fi­cial char­ac­ter­is­tics like gen­der and col­or. And, real­ly, until women give their fair share of the blood and sac­ri­fice to defend their respec­tive coun­tries, even the men who sup­port their desires will have a dif­fi­cult time tak­ing them seri­ous­ly. I sup­port my wife, female rel­a­tives, and the women I know to be the best they can be…but, then, they’re not whin­ers and wimps want­i­ng things hand­ed to them…that is, their not lib­er­als or fem­i­nists.

  • J.C. says:

    PD, ssh­h­hh! That type of post­ing will get you banned around here. This web­site is known for post­ing lib­er­al half-truth canards despite its pre­sumed reliance on intel­lec­tu­al lib­er­al­i­ty and free think­ing. You just watch, we’ll have a slew of dri­ve-by ad hominems thrown our way in the com­ments below for crit­i­ciz­ing the intel­lec­tu­al­ly lazy under­cur­rents of the above ‘Equal Pay Act’ post­ing.

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