All of Lionel Messi’s 253 Record-Setting Goals in La Liga, Shown in One Video

Ear­li­er this month, when Lionel Mes­si scored a hat-trick against Sevil­la, he reached a mile­stone. He had scored his 253rd goal in La Liga, mak­ing him the all-time top scor­er in the elite Span­ish soc­cer league. His first goal came on May 1, 2005, and it took him just 289 match­es to break the record pre­vi­ous­ly held by Tel­mo Zarra. If you’re late to appre­ci­at­ing the artistry of Mes­si, not to wor­ry. Above, we have a video that runs 31 min­utes and brings togeth­er footage of every Mes­si goal in La Liga — all 253 in a row. To see the goals pre­sent­ed in anoth­er fash­ion, check out this info­graph­ic.

via Twist­ed Sifter

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.