A Fun Parody of Downton Abbey Features George Clooney & the Cast of the Show

Sea­son 5 of Down­ton Abbey will begin (in the US) on Jan­u­ary 4th. But before the main course, we get a lit­tle appe­tiz­er, which comes in the form of a nine-minute par­o­dy star­ring George Clooney, Jere­my Piv­en and the cast of Down­ton Abbey. Bor­row­ing from It’s a Won­der­ful Life, the fun film asks us to imag­ine dai­ly life at the Abbey with­out Lord Grantham in the pic­ture. That’s when we get to see Lady Grantham cavort­ing with George Clooney, the Mar­quis of Hol­ly­wood (who kind of resem­bles Gomez from the Addams Fam­i­ly). And then the rest of the fam­i­ly and staff let­ting their hair loose.

The par­o­dy was made for Text San­ta, an ini­tia­tive that sup­ports UK char­i­ties dur­ing the Christ­mas peri­od. You can learn how to donate here.

Thanks Kim L. for the tip!

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Comments (14)
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  • dar says:

    wot?! no men­tion of the Divine Ms Joan­na Lumley…for Shame!

  • Justin Glass says:

    Fan­tas­tic par­o­dy, pity it is seems to be shown on the web only, would be great as a hol­i­day spe­cial fundrais­ing fea­ture

  • Maxine says:

    SO fun­ny and SO well done — I agree Joan­na Lum­ley should def. have been men­tioned. My two favourite shows and two favourite men — George and Jere­my — aah! Can’t wait for Jan 4th!

  • Maria Biggs says:

    Loved it!!
    More please.

  • Kathie says:

    Absolute­ly Fab­u­lous (or Ab Fab!! Should do one for Amer­i­can PBS fundrais­er. Hys­ter­i­cal.

  • Terry t Shanahan says:

    a fab­u­lous par­o­dy for a Xmas cheer I would had like to see Shirley fac­ing George as the head of the fam­i­ly
    Mar­ry Christ­mas and a Hap­py New Year
    Thank you for a good laugh maybe they will show it more times on PBS

  • Bob de Boer says:

    From Ned­er­land-The Netherlands‑I wish the cast of Downtm Abbey a most hap­py and healthy 2015. I always like to see this series ab in my opp­nion this is the best that is ever made, and is real Brit­tish.
    I have vis­it­ed your coun­try on once but thoid is far to few!
    Wit my scencere greet­ings-The One And Only Dutch Pirate-See My Email Name Bob de Boer

  • Bob de Boer says:

    My com­plete address ia:
    Name Bob de Boer
    Steet Grut­to­laan 16
    Potal­code 1766 JW
    Coun­try Ned­er­land-The Nether­lands
    Phone 00 31 224 223068

  • Barbara Dubman says:

    i am still laugh­ing. This is one of the fun­ni­est par­o­dy ever
    Would love to see more of this
    Incred­i­ble tal­ent mak­ing this

  • Arend Ooms says:

    De cast van Down Ton Abbey lijkt in niets op acteurs zij zijn het gewoon, lijkt het. Zeer, zeer knap gespeeld.

  • Kristen C says:

    That was great!

  • Chindee says:

    This is GREAT!!! More more MORE!! LOL

  • Anne A. says:

    Absolute­ly delight­ful!!!

  • Amy Hunt says:

    It’s been a bit of time since this was post­ed but wow what fun. I real­ly enjoyed watch­ing it.

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