31 Rolls of Film Taken by a World War II Soldier Get Discovered & Developed Before Your Eyes

Levi Bet­twieser runs the Res­cued Film Project, which sal­vages unde­vel­oped rolls of film from around the world, all shot some­where between the 1930s and the late 1990s. They have the abil­i­ty “to process film from all eras. Even film that has been degrad­ed by heat, mois­ture, and age. Or is no longer man­u­fac­tured.” And why do they take on these projects? Because, at some point, every image was spe­cial for some­one. “Each frame cap­tured, reflects a moment that was intend­ed to be remem­bered.”

Above you can watch Bet­twieser pro­cess­ing 31 rolls of film shot by an Amer­i­can sol­dier dur­ing World War II. Accord­ing to Petapix­el, the rolls were found at an Ohio auc­tion in late 2014, and they “were labeled with var­i­ous loca­tion names (i.e. Boston Har­bor, Lucky Strike Beach, LaHavre Har­bor).” But oth­er than that, Bet­twieser knows noth­ing more about the vet who took these shots.

The res­cue oper­a­tion and the pho­tographs it yield­ed are all fea­tured in a nice­ly craft­ed, 10-minute video.

via Peter B. Kauf­man

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  • Gamini Akmeemana says:

    So inter­est­ing. I shot main­ly black and white for near­ly thir­ty years, and still do. I pre­sume film men­tioned here is b & w,or Kodachrome trans­paren­cy. I still shoot out of date b & w and colour neg­a­tive film and get it processed com­mer­cial­ly here in Colom­bo.
    Look for­ward to more of these dis­cov­er­ies.

  • Terry Sherman says:

    I have some orig­i­nal 35mm b&w film my uncle shot in WWII. My moth­er showed it to me about six years before her death. She had no idea what was on the film. Turns out he shot pic­tures of some of the bomb­ing destruc­tion.
    I had prints made and have since had the negs scanned. Since I have pret­ty good scans, should I be con­cerned about keep­ing the neg­a­tives. I offered them to the Smith­son­ian, but they didn’t want them. Any advice would be appre­ci­at­ed.

    Ter­ry Sher­man

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