Dominic West, Stephen Fry & Benedict Cumberbatch Read From a Guantánamo Prisoner’s Diary

For more than a decade, Mohame­dou Ould Slahi has remained locked up in Guan­tá­namo, despite nev­er being charged with a crime. He’s just one of many pris­on­ers trapped in a Kafkian state of legal lim­bo. Con­fined to a sin­gle cell, Slahi has writ­ten a haunt­ing, 466 page account of his expe­ri­ence. And, after years of lit­i­ga­tion, and some 2,500 redac­tions by the US gov­ern­ment, his diary is final­ly being pub­lished. You can read the declas­si­fied man­u­script online over at The Guardian. To get some con­text on the whole affair, you can watch a short doc­u­men­tary above, which fea­tures read­ings by Dominic West (McNul­ty in The Wire). Below, we have more read­ings by Stephen Fry, Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch and Col­in Firth. Yet more read­ings can be found on Sound­Cloud.

Stephen Fry


Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch


Col­in Firth

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