Joni Mitchell Talks About Life as a Reluctant Star in a New Animated Interview

Yes­ter­day, Blank on Blank dropped its lat­est ani­mat­ed video — this one fea­tur­ing Joni Mitchell in con­ver­sa­tion with record exec­u­tive Joe Smith. In the inter­view orig­i­nal­ly record­ed in 1986, Mitchell declares her­self a reluc­tant star — some­one who loved mak­ing music, but nev­er want­ed fame, and all the lost pri­va­cy and nor­mal­cy that comes along with it. Smith talked with Joni and count­less oth­er musi­cians while research­ing and writ­ing his book Off the Record. You can still stream many of those inter­views (for free) on iTunes and the Library of Con­gress web­site. We have more on that here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Vin­tage Video of Joni Mitchell Per­form­ing in 1965 — Before She Was Even Named Joni Mitchell

James Tay­lor and Joni Mitchell, Live and Togeth­er (1970)

The Music, Art, and Life of Joni Mitchell Pre­sent­ed in a Superb 2003 Doc­u­men­tary

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.