Mesmerizing Timelapse Film Captures the Wonder of Bees Being Born

From Nation­al Geo­graph­ic comes this: A short time­lapse film that lets you watch “the eeri­ly beau­ti­ful growth of lar­vae into bees.” Shot by pho­tog­ra­ph­er Anand Var­ma, the mes­mer­iz­ing video starts with the lar­vae of work­er bees just hatch­ing from eggs, then fol­lows their mat­u­ra­tion into adult bees. The video cov­ers an 11-day process in one short minute.

You can get a behind-the-scenes account of the mak­ing of this video over at Nat Geo. When you’re there, you might also want to check out these pret­ty amaz­ing por­traits of bees.

via Kot­tke/This is Colos­sal

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  • Lori Rafdal says:

    I find it a bit curi­ous that there would be almost a thou­sand shares yet no one these days has time to leave a com­ment; but being alone and dis­abled that is all I do have. Some peo­ple would take offense at what I am say­ing but that would be a mis­take; I am very hap­py that you have a job or a fam­i­ly or both and a spare few min­utes of time is hard to come by. I seri­ous­ly wish that I could work and turn back time to where I was not a wid­ow with an emp­ty nest. Seem­ing­ly a Ram­blin soul I actu­al­ly am relat­ing this to the bees! They work relent­less­ly sunup till sun­down to raise more work­ers but most impor­tant­ly pol­li­nate so that we humans have food. And they do this dai­ly until they have giv­en their lives and died of exhaus­tion and old age. I can’t imag­ine life with­out bees and I don’t think there would be any… but more and more peo­ple I know are rais­ing hives in their small back­yards at times while the bee pop­u­la­tion dwin­dles. I appre­ci­at­ed see­ing this tonight and I hope to many oth­ers it gave some insight into a world we often think very rarely about.

  • Paula says:

    This is a beau­ti­ful clip.
    I just think bees live their lives, not so much give their lives. They ben­e­fit us yes, immense­ly, but I don’t feel like it’s a bee dra­ma end­ing in exhaus­tion & death! It ends, like every­thing.

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