What’s It Like to Fight in 15th Century Armor?: A Surprising Demonstration

Above, Le Musée Nation­al du Moyen-Âge (oth­er­wise known as The Nation­al Muse­um of the Mid­dle Ages) and The Uni­ver­si­ty of Gene­va recre­ate fight scenes from the 15th cen­tu­ry, demon­strat­ing the move­ments and tech­niques of com­bat­ants who clanked around in full suits of armor. If you’re like me, you’re watch­ing with sur­prise — sur­prised by their agili­ty and dex­ter­i­ty. Was­n’t quite expect­ing that!

If you don’t read French, it’s worth not­ing that the video starts with a demon­stra­tion of mobil­i­ty, then explores medieval fight­ing tech­niques, from stab­bing an oppo­nent right between the eyes, to strik­ing a mor­tal blow on the ground.  The video was brought to the web by Le Figaro.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.