Last week, The Guardian reported:
Google has made its “inceptionism” algorithm available to all, allowing coders around the world to replicate the process the company used to create mesmerising dreamscapes with its image processing neural-network.
The system, which works by repeatedly feeding an image through an AI which enhances features it recognises, was first demonstrated by Google two weeks ago. It can alter an existing image to the extent that it looks like an acid trip, or begin with random noise to generate an entirely original dreamscape.
Since then a coder, Roelof Pieters, began messing around with the publicly-available software, and decided to take the “Great San Francisco Acid Wave” scene from Terry Gilliam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) and run it through “Deep Dream,” as the software is known. The results (below), now going viral across the internet, are pretty trippy and intense. Just when you thought Hunter S. Thompson couldn’t get more “out there,” this comes along.
We noticed that Pieters ran a similar experiment with pieces of Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, and we couldn’t help but put them on display. Watch above.
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Anyone else notice similarity to representations by some artists with schizophrenia? (Wain, Van Gogh, Munch, …)
Does anyone have the full version of Fear & Loathing / a link to it in this style? I REALLY want to watch it
Never thought I’d see anything that was able to reproduce (nearly) what I experienced all those many years ago after ingesting large (heroic) doses of LSD. Far out, man!
Some more thoughts about this deep dream phenomena:
I was thinking the exact same thing. I swear if I could draw some of the stuff I saw, they’d lock me up for a long long time lol