How to Age Gracefully: No Matter What Your Age, You Can Get Life Advice from Your Elders

You can always learn some­thing from your elders. 8‑year-olds can learn from 9‑year-olds, just as octo­ge­nar­i­ans can learn from nona­ge­nar­i­ans. With age comes wis­dom. That’s the premise of this touch­ing, farewell video from the CBC’s Wire­Tap radio show, which is about to go off the air.

It’s not the first time we’ve explored this line of think­ing. For a lit­tle life per­spec­tive, we’d encour­age you to watch: Stephen Fry: What I Wish I Knew When I Was 18.

Or read: Stephen King Writes A Let­ter to His 16-Year-Old Self: “Stay Away from Recre­ation­al Drugs,” an excerpt from the anthol­o­gy, Dear Me: A Let­ter to My 16-Year-Old Self.

via Kot­tke

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