Bach’s Prélude N°1 Played on Boomwhacker Percussion Tubes

Since 1999, the French jug­gling group Les Objets Volants (The Fly­ing Objects) have been enter­tain­ing audi­ences world­wide. Beyond jug­gling, their shows incor­po­rate ele­ments of the­ater, visu­al arts and even math­e­mat­ics. And the group takes spe­cial pride in explor­ing new ways of han­dling and manip­u­lat­ing every­day objects. Which brings us to the per­for­mance above. There you can see Les Objets Volants per­form Bach’s Prélude N°1. (which more typ­i­cal­ly sounds some­thing like this) on “boomwhack­ers,” those hol­low, col­or-cod­ed, plas­tic per­cus­sion tubes, which are tuned to dif­fer­ent musi­cal pitch­es. Record­ed last March, the clip is an out­take from a Les Objets Volants show called Liai­son Car­bone,” which explores con­cepts in physics. Enjoy.

via Digg

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