FYI: BestÂselling author John Grisham is givÂing away his new novÂel called The Tumor: A Non-Legal Thriller. AvailÂable as a free ebook on AmaÂzon, Grisham has called The Tumor “the most imporÂtant book I’ve ever writÂten.” And, as the subÂtiÂtle sugÂgests, this new book isn’t anothÂer one of those legal thrillers Grisham is known for. No, this novÂel focusÂes on medÂiÂcine and how a “new medÂical techÂnolÂoÂgy could revÂoÂluÂtionÂize the future of medÂiÂcine by curÂing with sound.”
Here’s how the book is briefly sumÂmaÂrized on AmaÂzon:
The Tumor folÂlows the present day expeÂriÂence of the ficÂtionÂal patient Paul, an othÂerÂwise healthy 35-year-old father who is diagÂnosed with a maligÂnant brain tumor. Grisham takes readÂers through a detailed account of Paul’s treatÂment and his family’s expeÂriÂence that doesn’t end as we would hope. Grisham then explores an alterÂnate future, where Paul is diagÂnosed with the same brain tumor at the same age, but in the year 2025, when a treatÂment called focused ultraÂsound is able to extend his life expectanÂcy.
Focused ultraÂsound has the potenÂtial to treat not just brain tumors, but many othÂer disÂorÂders, includÂing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hyperÂtenÂsion, and prostate, breast and panÂcreÂatÂic canÂcer…
ReadÂers will get a taste of the narÂraÂtive they expect from Grisham, but this short book will also eduÂcate and inspire peoÂple to be hopeÂful about the future of medÂical innoÂvaÂtion.
You can downÂload Grisham’s book here, and find many othÂer free reads in our colÂlecÂtion, 800 Free eBooks for iPad, KinÂdle & OthÂer Devices.
You can also see Grisham talkÂing about the mateÂrÂiÂal in his novÂel at this TEDx talk.
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h/t Robin
Thank you
I found this book for free on It is an excelÂlent book! John Grisham is one of my all time favorite authors.
Best selectÂed words and interÂestÂingÂly nice expeÂriÂence on EngÂlish lessons.
I would like to downÂload one of your books online,.
i like to downÂload books from this
Good day, I love readÂing your books. Can I get anyÂone to downÂload online?
1) List of free downÂload links here
2) It’s a novelÂla proÂmotÂing the use of focused ultraÂsound (“a non-invaÂsive treatÂment in develÂopÂment for canÂcer and othÂer disÂeases that uses enerÂgy beams to destroy disÂeased tisÂsues”). Grisham is a board memÂber of the founÂdaÂtion aimÂing to spread its use.
Many thanks!
I fill the firm, both the movie and books shud have secÂond parts espeÂcialÂly the movie seaÂson two, it is so interÂestÂing.. U don’t want to stop watchÂing en readÂing
As soon as posÂsiÂble.
I love John Grisham.