John Grisham Is Letting You Download His New Novel as a Free eBook

grisham novel free

FYI: Best­selling author John Grisham is giv­ing away his new nov­el called The Tumor: A Non-Legal Thriller. Avail­able as a free ebook on Ama­zon, Grisham has called The Tumor â€śthe most impor­tant book I’ve ever writ­ten.” And, as the sub­ti­tle sug­gests, this new book isn’t anoth­er one of those legal thrillers Grisham is known for. No, this nov­el focus­es on med­i­cine and how a “new med­ical tech­nol­o­gy could rev­o­lu­tion­ize the future of med­i­cine by cur­ing with sound.”

Here’s how the book is briefly sum­ma­rized on Ama­zon:

The Tumor fol­lows the present day expe­ri­ence of the fic­tion­al patient Paul, an oth­er­wise healthy 35-year-old father who is diag­nosed with a malig­nant brain tumor. Grisham takes read­ers through a detailed account of Paul’s treat­ment and his family’s expe­ri­ence that doesn’t end as we would hope. Grisham then explores an alter­nate future, where Paul is diag­nosed with the same brain tumor at the same age, but in the year 2025, when a treat­ment called focused ultra­sound is able to extend his life expectan­cy.

Focused ultra­sound has the poten­tial to treat not just brain tumors, but many oth­er dis­or­ders, includ­ing Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hyper­ten­sion, and prostate, breast and pan­cre­at­ic can­cer…

Read­ers will get a taste of the nar­ra­tive they expect from Grisham, but this short book will also edu­cate and inspire peo­ple to be hope­ful about the future of med­ical inno­va­tion.

You can down­load Grisham’s book here, and find many oth­er free reads in our col­lec­tion, 800 Free eBooks for iPad, Kin­dle & Oth­er Devices.

You can also see Grisham talk­ing about the mate­r­i­al in his nov­el at this TEDx talk.

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h/t Robin

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