How to Open a Wine Bottle with Your Shoe

Should you ever find your­self with a wine bot­tle and no bot­tle open­er, this French video might come in handy. It out­lines two meth­ods for remov­ing the cork with a shoe. Method 1: Remove the foil that cov­ers the cork, then start tap­ping on the bot­tom of the bot­tle with a shoe. Even­tu­al­ly, the nar­ra­tor tells us, the cork will make its way out. Next comes Method 2, the pre­ferred method we’re told, and it involves putting a bot­tle in a shoe, then tap­ping the shoe repeat­ed­ly against the wall–not too hard–until, voila, the cork can be removed by hand. Try this method at your own risk. And need­less to say start with a cheap bot­tle of wine, and far away from an expen­sive rug.

Update: And cov­er the bot­tle with cloth in case the bot­tle shat­ters. Appar­ent­ly that’s been known to hap­pen.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Storm: New Short Film Cap­tures the Artistry of Wine­mak­ing

Jane Austen Writes a Let­ter to Her Sis­ter While Hung Over: “I Believe I Drank Too Much Wine Last Night”

How to Clean Your Vinyl Records with Wood Glue

Vin­tage Wine in our Col­lec­tion of 1100 Free Online Cours­es

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.