Spike Lee Interviews Bernie Sanders: Two Guys from Brooklyn Talk About Education, Inequality & More

With the New York pri­ma­ry com­ing up, Spike Lee and Bernie Sanders–the film­mak­er and the politician–sat down and talked about pol­i­tics and the state of our nation. At the 15 minute mark, the two Brook­lyn natives turned to edu­ca­tion (some­thing that undoubt­ed­ly con­cerns many read­ers here) and the impor­tance of mak­ing our pub­lic uni­ver­si­ties actu­al­ly acces­si­ble to the pub­lic. Such a rad­i­cal thought? You can read a tran­script of the con­ver­sa­tion over at The Hol­ly­wood Reporter.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Bernie Sanders: I Will Be an Arts Pres­i­dent

Spike Lee’s List of 95 Essen­tial Movies – Now with Women Film­mak­ers

Bernie Sanders Sings “This Land is Your Land” on the Endear­ing­ly Bad Spo­ken Word Album, We Shall Over­come

Allen Ginsberg’s Hand­writ­ten Poem For Bernie Sanders, “Burling­ton Snow” (1986)

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  • From a distance says:

    Agree with Bernie. Oba­ma is one of the smartest, dis­ci­plined and focused world lead­ers. I’m not Amer­i­can, but Bernie Sanders is miles ahead of the pack. If you are Amer­i­can and you vote. He is the man. He gets you.

  • Vivek Jain says:

    Chris Hedges wrote in Empire of Illu­sion, “Those cap­tive to images cast bal­lots based on how can­di­dates make them feel. They vote for a slo­gan, a smile, per­ceived sin­cer­i­ty, and attrac­tive­ness, along with a care­ful­ly craft­ed per­son­al nar­ra­tive of the can­di­date. It is style and sto­ry, not con­tent and fact, that inform mass pol­i­tics. Politi­cians have learned that to get votes they must repli­cate the faux inti­ma­cy estab­lished between celebri­ties and the pub­lic. There has to be a sense, cre­at­ed through art­ful the­atri­cal stag­ing and script­ing by polit­i­cal spin machines, that the politi­cian is “one of us.” The politi­cian, like the celebri­ty, has to give vot­ers the impres­sion that he or she, as Bill Clin­ton used to say, feels their pain. We have to be able to see our­selves in them. If this con­nec­tion, invari­ably a prod­uct of extreme­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed arti­fice, is not estab­lished, no politi­cian can get any trac­tion in a celebri­ty cul­ture.”

  • Vivek Jain says:

    Those of you who think that Sanders is “the ANSWER” do not yet real­ize that you’ve been duped. You don’t yet know that Bernie™ is a Brand. See the 2009 arti­cle Buy­ing Brand Oba­ma here http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090503_buying_brand_obama )

    How many here under­stand that there is a rul­ing class, and that the rul­ing class is served by both the GOP and the Democ­rats? How many here under­stand that the rul­ing class has been tak­ing steps to start world war, and that Sanders is on-board with this agen­da? That’s right you read cor­rect­ly: The US gov­ern­ment wants to ignite war against Rus­sia and Chi­na, and your sav­ior Bernie Sanders, is aligned with that agen­da.

    This means that any vote for any of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can politi­cians will not result in a change in US pol­i­cy. The Amer­i­can pub­lic must take the resis­tance to the streets. The pub­lic must first learn WHAT the US gov­ern­ment is doing, and it must under­stand why we have been kept in the dark. (Most of you don’t know that the US gov­ern­ment car­ried out a right wing coup in Ukraine, col­lab­o­rat­ing with neon­azis and fas­cists. Or that Wash­ing­ton has been sid­ing with ter­ror­ist groups and dic­ta­tor­ships like the Sau­di Gov­ern­ment against the gov­ern­ment of Syr­ia. Most of you have nev­er heard of AFRICOM or have a clue about why the US gov­ern­ment is desta­bi­liz­ing Africa. Most of you have nev­er heard of the Piv­ot To Asia and how the US is try­ing to mil­i­tar­i­ly encir­cle Chi­na and pro­voke an open con­flict with Chi­na.)

    A vote for “Bernie” is a vote for world war. A vote for Clin­ton is a vote of world war. A vote for Trump or Cruz or any of these char­la­tans is a vote for world war. So don’t vote for any of them. Join the world­wide resis­tance to US impe­ri­al­ism.

    War: The great unmen­tion­able in the 2016 US elec­tions

  • Vivek Jain says:

    The bril­liant Paul Street has writ­ten about Amer­i­can pol­i­tics and Oba­ma for years. His two ear­li­er books about Oba­ma (Barack Oba­ma and the Future of Amer­i­can Pol­i­tics, and The Empire’s New Clothes) will great­ly inform your assess­ment of Oba­ma and his place/legacy in his­to­ry and pol­i­tics, and his new book, “They Rule: The 1% vs Democ­ra­cy” is an high-yield guide to deci­pher­ing the world in which we live.

    I men­tion Street’s writ­ings because he was among the first on the Left to real­ly “get” Oba­ma, to not fall for the hype about the clever young Sen­a­tor from Illi­nois.

    For exam­ple, check out this piece from June 2015


  • BG says:

    In gen­er­al, EVERYTHING is a brand.…making your state­ment not well formed. The ques­tions is ‘which is the best brand’.

  • Amber Lacy says:

    Amaz­ing inter­view two guys. great video share.

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