The New Radiohead Album is Out; Watch a Paul Thomas Anderson-Directed Music Video for One of the New Singles

Since 1997, Paul Thomas Ander­son (There Will Be Blood, Boo­gie Nights, and Mag­no­lia) has direct­ed 11 music videos (watch them here)–five alone for Fiona Apple, and now the first of hope­ful­ly many for Radio­head. Above, watch the cin­e­mat­ic touch Ander­son puts on the new Radio­head sin­gle “Day­dream­ing.” And, if you want, down­load Radio­head­’s new album, A Moon Shaped Pool, which just became avail­able min­utes ago on dig­i­tal plat­forms (Ama­zon, iTunes, the band’s web­site, etc). A release in vinyl/CD is sched­uled for June 17th.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Delight in Prince’s Extra­or­di­nar­i­ly Poignant Cov­er of Radiohead’s “Creep” & His Com­plete 2008 Coachel­la Set

How Paul Thomas Ander­son Dropped Out of NYU Film School in 2 Days; Stud­ied Lit­er­a­ture with David Fos­ter Wal­lace

Radiohead’s “Creep” Per­formed in a Vin­tage Jazz-Age Style

Radio­head-Approved, Fan-Made Film of the Band at Rose­land for 2011’s The King of Limbs Tour

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