A Handy Guide on How to Download Old Coursera Courses Before They Disappear


Image by Math­ieu Plourd, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

On June 30th, Cours­era plans to wind down its old e‑learning plat­form. And accord­ing to this email the com­pa­ny sent around, any “cours­es and course mate­ri­als on [that] old plat­form will no longer be acces­si­ble.” Con­cerned that dozens of old­er MOOCs could be lost, some have called this move a form of “cul­tur­al van­dal­ism.” Oth­ers, like the good folks at Class Cen­tral, have cre­at­ed a very thor­ough and handy guide that will show you how to save the course mate­ri­als (videos, slides, tran­scripts, etc.) before the June 30th dead­line. You’re on notice. Start read­ing the guide and thank Dhaw­al Shah for putting it togeth­er.

For a list of MOOCs start­ing in the sec­ond half of June, click here.

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  • Mihai Raulea says:

    I would donate 500 USD just to keep the cours­es from being removed. Please Cours­era, do not do this! This is irrepara­ble, knowl­edge lost for­ev­er.

  • Donald Knutson says:

    I cur­rent­ly don’t have any active Cours­era cours­es and don’t antic­i­pate using the plat­form any­more. It’s slipped con­sid­er­ably in my esti­ma­tion. Try Futurelearn.com or edX.org. Great alter­na­tive if you are look­ing for gen­er­al mate­r­i­al cours­es.

  • Kalman Dee says:

    I have a live account with Cours­era, I’m doing my 8th course on the plat­form. I reg­u­lar­ly log into their web­site. I just can’t see any change, they have many cours­es com­ing up, there is no hint of any wind­ing down or such.

  • Dianna says:

    I high­ly rec­om­mend Allav­soft which can batch down­load cours­era lec­ture videos direct­ly to any video for­mat like MP4, AVI, etc.
    It also helps to down­load video cours­es from Lyn­da, Dig­i­tal­Tutors, Crun­cy­Roll, Ude­my etc.

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