Image by MathÂieu Plourd, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
On June 30th, CoursÂera plans to wind down its old e‑learning platÂform. And accordÂing to this email the comÂpaÂny sent around, any “coursÂes and course mateÂriÂals on [that] old platÂform will no longer be accesÂsiÂble.” ConÂcerned that dozens of oldÂer MOOCs could be lost, some have called this move a form of “culÂturÂal vanÂdalÂism.” OthÂers, like the good folks at Class CenÂtral, have creÂatÂed a very thorÂough and handy guide that will show you how to save the course mateÂriÂals (videos, slides, tranÂscripts, etc.) before the June 30th deadÂline. You’re on notice. Start readÂing the guide and thank DhawÂal Shah for putting it togethÂer.
For a list of MOOCs startÂing in the secÂond half of June, click here.
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I would donate 500 USD just to keep the coursÂes from being removed. Please CoursÂera, do not do this! This is irreparaÂble, knowlÂedge lost forÂevÂer.
I curÂrentÂly don’t have any active CoursÂera coursÂes and don’t anticÂiÂpate using the platÂform anyÂmore. It’s slipped conÂsidÂerÂably in my estiÂmaÂtion. Try or Great alterÂnaÂtive if you are lookÂing for genÂerÂal mateÂrÂiÂal coursÂes.
I have a live account with CoursÂera, I’m doing my 8th course on the platÂform. I regÂuÂlarÂly log into their webÂsite. I just can’t see any change, they have many coursÂes comÂing up, there is no hint of any windÂing down or such.
I highÂly recÂomÂmend AllavÂsoft which can batch downÂload coursÂera lecÂture videos directÂly to any video forÂmat like MP4, AVI, etc.
It also helps to downÂload video coursÂes from LynÂda, DigÂiÂtalÂTutors, CrunÂcyÂRoll, UdeÂmy etc.