Download a Complete, Cover-to-Cover Parody of The New Yorker: 80 Pages of Fine Satire

jorker combo

From Andrew Lip­stein & James Fol­ta comes The Neu Jork­er, a great par­o­dy of the high-brow mag­a­zine, The New York­er. The table of con­tents, the con­trib­u­tor bios, the car­toons, the ads, the articles–they’re all imi­tat­ed in a near­ly pitch per­fect way, just tak­en one degree fur­ther into the realm of slight absur­di­ty. Down­load The Neu Jork­er in high-res for­mats via Drop­box and Scribd, and you’ll see what I mean.

On page 4 of the mag­a­zine, Lip­stein and Vol­ta write, “The Neu Jork­er was a labor of love… Not a sin­gle cent was spent or made on this project. We’ve done our share of research on fair use and par­o­dy law (a sol­id Wikipedia skim), and are pret­ty sure we’re good, but we do hope that the mag­a­zine-not-to-be-named under­stands that this is some­where between satire, par­o­dy, and homage.” We’re hop­ing, too, that David Rem­nick and the lawyers at Conde Nast will appre­ci­ate the effort that went into this 80 page, cov­er-to-cov­er par­o­dy.

Con­trib­u­tors to The Neu Jork­er come from The OnionClick­HoleThe New York­er, the Late Show with David Let­ter­man, the Late Show with Stephen Col­bert, McSweeney’s, the Upright Cit­i­zens Brigade and var­i­ous oth­er fun­ny places.

Down­load the par­o­dy here. And speak­ing of The New York­er, just a quick reminder that Mal­colm Glad­well has launched a pod­cast called “Revi­sion­ist His­to­ry” today. You can hear the first episode here.

via Metafil­ter/AV Club

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Mal­colm Glad­well Has Launched a New Pod­cast, Revi­sion­ist His­to­ry: Hear the First Episode

Al Jaf­fee, the Longest Work­ing Car­toon­ist in His­to­ry, Shows How He Invent­ed the Icon­ic “Folds-Ins” for Mad Mag­a­zine

The New York­er’s “Com­ma Queen” Mer­ci­ful­ly Explains the Dif­fer­ence Between Who/Whom, Lay/Lie, Less/Fewer & Beyond

The New Yorker’s Fic­tion Pod­cast: Where Great Writ­ers Read Sto­ries by Great Writ­ers

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