Back in 2012, we feaÂtured a young Bob Dylan talkÂing and playÂing on The Studs Terkel radio show in 1963. Open CulÂture’s Mike Springer prefÂaced the interÂview with these words, “Dylan had just finÂished recordÂing the songs for his secÂond album, The FreeÂwheelÂin’ Bob Dylan, when he travÂeled from New York to ChicaÂgo to play a gig at a litÂtle place partÂly owned by his manÂagÂer, Albert GrossÂman, called The Bear Club. The next day he went to the WFMT stuÂdios for the hour-long appearÂance on The Studs Terkel ProÂgram. Most sources give the date of the interÂview as April 26, 1963, though Dylan scholÂar Michael KrogsÂgaard has givÂen it as May 3.” In talkÂing with Studs, Dylan told some tall tales (scholÂars say) about his youth, ones that would have made HuckÂleÂberÂry Finn proud. And that tenÂdenÂcy to creÂate an alterÂnaÂtive biogÂraÂphy is on disÂplay again in an even earÂliÂer interÂview, datÂing back to March 11, 1962.
AniÂmatÂed by Blank on Blank above, the (excerptÂed) interÂview lets us hear Dylan, only 20 years old, before the release of his eponyÂmous debut album, and before achievÂing any kind of fame. Young Dylan tells CynÂthia GoodÂing, host of the “Folksinger’s Choice” radio proÂgram in NYC, about the six years he spent with the carÂniÂval.
I was with the carÂniÂval off and on for about six years… I was clean-up boy, I used to be on the main line, on the ferÂris wheel, uh, do just run rides. I used to do all kinds of stuff like that… And I didÂn’t go to school a bunch of years and I skipped this and I skipped that.
LatÂer he conÂtinÂued:
I wrote a song once. I’m tryÂing to find, a real good song I wrote. An’ it’s about this lady I knew in the carÂniÂval. An’ er, they had a side show, I only, I was, this was, Thomas show, Roy B Thomas shows, and there was, they had a freak show in it, you know, and all the midgets and all that kind of stuff. An’ there was one lady in there realÂly bad shape. Like her skin had been all burned when she was a litÂtle baby, you know, and it didÂn’t grow right, and so she was like a freak. An’ all these peoÂple would pay monÂey, you know, to come and see and … er … that realÂly sort of got to me, you know. They’d come and see, and I mean, she was very, she didÂn’t realÂly look like norÂmal, she had this funÂny kind of skin and they passed her of as the eleÂphant lady. And, er, like she was just burned comÂpleteÂly since she was a litÂtle baby, er.
You can hear a nearÂly comÂplete audio recordÂing of the interÂview (55 minÂutes) below, and read a tranÂscript of the full interÂview on ExpectÂing Rain.
Over on SpoÂtiÂfy, you can hear the 11 songs that Dylan played for GoodÂing that day.
They include sevÂerÂal that Dylan wrote, along with some old folk and blues songs:
- “(I Heard That) LoneÂsome WhisÂtle” (Hank Williams/Jimmie Davis)
- “FixÂin’ to Die” (BukÂka White)
- “SmokeÂstack LighÂnÂing” (HowlÂin’ Wolf)
- “Hard TravÂelin’ ” (Woody Guthrie)
- “The Death of Emmett Till” (Bob Dylan)
- “StandÂing on the HighÂway” (Bob Dylan)
- “Roll on John” (Rufus Crisp)
- “Stealin’ ” (traÂdiÂtionÂal)
- “It Makes a Long Time Man Feel Bad” (traÂdiÂtionÂal)
- “Baby, Please Don’t Go” (Big Joe Williams)
- “Hard Times in New York Town” (Bob Dylan)
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Two LegÂends TogethÂer: A Young Bob Dylan Talks and Plays on The Studs Terkel ProÂgram, 1963
Bob Dylan Reads From T.S. Eliot’s Great ModÂernist PoemThe Waste Land
Bob Dylan & The GrateÂful Dead Rehearse TogethÂer in SumÂmer 1987: Hear 74 Tracks
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