In 1975, Nora Ephron sat down with Studs Terkel to talk about Crazy SalÂad, her colÂlecÂtion of essays about women and the womÂen’s rights moveÂment durÂing the 1970s. If the excerpts aniÂmatÂed by Blank on Blank above reflect the entireÂty of the conÂverÂsaÂtion (lisÂten here), then you can’t help but notice that the genÂder issues being disÂcussed then, durÂing that late stage of secÂond wave femÂiÂnism, haven’t gone away today. They’re still very much out there. The difÂferÂence is the enthuÂsiÂasm, the sense of posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty, that Ephron couldÂn’t conÂtain then. “It’s excitÂing.” “It’s ok being a woman now. I like it. Try it some time!” Indeed.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Simone de BeauÂvoir Tells Studs Terkel How She Became an IntelÂlecÂtuÂal and FemÂiÂnist (1960)
11 EssenÂtial FemÂiÂnist Books: A New ReadÂing List by The New York PubÂlic Library
Nora Ephron’s Lists: “What I Will Miss” and “What I Won’t Miss”
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