The Secret Link Between Jazz and Physics: How Einstein & Coltrane Shared Improvisation and Intuition in Common

Sci­en­tists need hob­bies. The gru­el­ing work of nav­i­gat­ing com­plex the­o­ry and the pol­i­tics of acad­e­mia can get to a per­son, even one as laid back as Dart­mouth pro­fes­sor and astro­physi­cist Stephon Alexan­der. So Alexan­der plays the sax­o­phone, though at this point it may not be accu­rate to call his avo­ca­tion a spare time pur­suit, since John Coltrane has become as impor­tant to him as Ein­stein, Kepler, and New­ton.

Coltrane, he says in a 7‑minute TED talk above, “changed my whole research direc­tion… led to basi­cal­ly a dis­cov­ery in physics.” Alexan­der then pro­ceeds to play the famil­iar open­ing bars of “Giant Steps.” He’s no Coltrane, but he is a very cre­ative thinker whose love of jazz has giv­en him a unique per­spec­tive on the­o­ret­i­cal physics, one he shares, it turns out, with both Ein­stein and Coltrane, both of whom saw music and physics as intu­itive, impro­visato­ry pur­suits.

Alexan­der describes his jazz epiphany as occa­sioned by a com­plex dia­gram Coltrane gave leg­endary jazz musi­cian and Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts pro­fes­sor Yusef Lateef in 1967. “I thought the dia­gram was relat­ed to anoth­er and seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed field of study—quantum grav­i­ty,” he writes in a Busi­ness Insid­er essay on his dis­cov­ery, “What I had real­ized… was that the same geo­met­ric prin­ci­ple that moti­vat­ed Einstein’s the­o­ry was reflect­ed in Coltrane’s dia­gram.”

The the­o­ry might “imme­di­ate­ly sound like untestable pop-phi­los­o­phy,” writes the Cre­ators Project, who show­case Alexander’s physics-inspired musi­cal col­lab­o­ra­tion with exper­i­men­tal pro­duc­er Rioux (sam­ple below). But his ideas are much more sub­stan­tive, “a com­pelling cross-dis­ci­pli­nary inves­ti­ga­tion,” recent­ly pub­lished in a book titled The Jazz of Physics: The Secret Link Between Music and the Struc­ture of the Uni­verse.

Alexan­der describes the links between jazz and physics in his TED talk, as well as in the brief Wired video fur­ther up. “One con­nec­tion,” he says, is “the mys­te­ri­ous way that quan­tum par­ti­cles move.… Accord­ing to the rules of quan­tum mechan­ics,” they “will actu­al­ly tra­verse all pos­si­ble paths.” This, Alexan­der says, par­al­lels the way jazz musi­cians impro­vise, play­ing with all pos­si­ble notes in a scale. His own impro­vi­sa­tion­al play­ing, he says, is great­ly enhanced by think­ing about physics. And in this, he’s only fol­low­ing in the giant steps of both of his idols.

It turns out that Coltrane him­self used Einstein’s the­o­ret­i­cal physics to inform his under­stand­ing of jazz com­po­si­tion. As Ben Ratliff reports in Coltrane: The Sto­ry of a Sound, the bril­liant sax­o­phon­ist once deliv­ered to French horn play­er David Amram an “incred­i­ble dis­course about the sym­me­try of the solar sys­tem, talk­ing about black holes in space, and con­stel­la­tions, and the whole struc­ture of the solar sys­tem, and how Ein­stein was able to reduce all of that com­plex­i­ty into some­thing very sim­ple.” Says Amram:

Then he explained to me that he was try­ing to do some­thing like that in music, some­thing that came from nat­ur­al sources, the tra­di­tions of the blues and jazz. But there was a whole dif­fer­ent way of look­ing at what was nat­ur­al in music.

This may all sound rather vague and mys­te­ri­ous, but Alexan­der assures us Coltrane’s method is very much like Einstein’s in a way: “Ein­stein is famous for what is per­haps his great­est gift: the abil­i­ty to tran­scend math­e­mat­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions with phys­i­cal intu­ition. He would impro­vise using what he called gedanken­ex­per­i­ments (Ger­man for thought exper­i­ments), which pro­vid­ed him with a men­tal pic­ture of the out­come of exper­i­ments no one could per­form.”

Ein­stein was also a musi­cian—as we’ve not­ed before—who played the vio­lin and piano and whose admi­ra­tion for Mozart inspired his the­o­ret­i­cal work. “Ein­stein used math­e­mat­i­cal rig­or,” writes Alexan­der, as much as he used “cre­ativ­i­ty and intu­ition. He was an impro­vis­er at heart, just like his hero, Mozart.” Alexan­der has fol­lowed suit, see­ing in the 1967 “Coltrane Man­dala” the idea that “impro­vi­sa­tion is a char­ac­ter­is­tic of both music and physics.” Coltrane “was a musi­cal inno­va­tor, with physics at his fin­ger­tips,” and “Ein­stein was an inno­va­tor in physics, with music at his fin­ger­tips.”

Alexan­der gets into a few more specifics in his longer TEDx talk above, begin­ning with some per­son­al back­ground on how he first came to under­stand physics as an intu­itive dis­ci­pline close­ly linked with music. For the real meat of his argu­ment, you’ll like­ly want to read his book, high­ly praised by Nobel-win­ning physi­cist Leon Coop­er, futur­is­tic com­pos­er Bri­an Eno, and many more bril­liant minds in both music and sci­ence.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Free Online Physics Cours­es

The Musi­cal Mind of Albert Ein­stein: Great Physi­cist, Ama­teur Vio­lin­ist and Devo­tee of Mozart

CERN’s Cos­mic Piano and Jazz Pianist Jam Togeth­er at The Mon­treux Jazz Fes­ti­val

Bohemi­an Grav­i­ty: String The­o­ry Explored With an A Cap­pel­la Ver­sion of Bohemi­an Rhap­sody

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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  • Peter Altomare says:

    Thought pro­vok­ing- but I can see a con­nec­tion too.
    I think the premise and videos are excel­lent expo­si­tions.

  • NigelReading|ASYNSIS says:

    “It turns out that Coltrane him­self used Einstein’s the­o­ret­i­cal physics to inform his under­stand­ing of jazz com­po­si­tion. As Ben Ratliff reports in Coltrane: The Sto­ry of a Sound, the bril­liant sax­o­phon­ist once deliv­ered to French horn play­er David Amram an “incred­i­ble dis­course about the sym­me­try of the solar sys­tem, talk­ing about black holes in space, and con­stel­la­tions, and the whole struc­ture of the solar sys­tem, and how Ein­stein was able to reduce all of that com­plex­i­ty into some­thing very sim­ple.””
    It’s real­ly a thing (as we’ve also shared on TED) — and #Asyn­sis­Con­struc­tal shares how in both space and time:‑new-music-of-the-spheres-ec97e6923664#.o8596caq8

  • jacob says:

    Worth the read.

  • Sam Kanter says:

    Nice the­o­ry and talk, but you’d think he could have prac­ticed the first eight bars of Giant Steps so he would not have screwed it up as he did.

  • Dex Quire says:

    Slight­ly shaky analogy…jazz is a flavor…physics laws not so much…

  • Fred says:

    If the pro­posed rela­tion­ship between Jazz and Physics exists (which is a very inter­est­ing pro­pos­al), he does an utter­ly poor job in explain­ing his hypoth­e­sis and the log­ic behind it. There is no clear line of rea­son­ing, no sol­id facts are pro­vid­ed, etc. Just show­ing some fan­cy graphs, and then in the longer Ted Talk he spends time talk­ing about his past. Again, not pro­vid­ing any sol­id facts about the the­o­ry.

  • andrew bennett says:

    Excel­lent arti­cle. Thank you for shar­ing.

    As a musi­cian I think this is why music is felt and not just heard, it is “tick­ling” our dna.

  • Shera says:

    Life coach­ing is a fun­da­men­tal right
    4 rais­ing empa­thy a nat­ur­al born gift
    When devel­op­ment of edu­ca­tion­al care bred 2 bone
    Cure4 men­tal ill­ness music explo­rations in tran­scend
    Thank uou

  • bsdetector says:

    The secret con­nec­tion between piz­za top­pings and jazz impro­vi­sa­tion

    Just like a jazz musi­cian will play with all pos­si­ble notes in a scale, the piz­zaio­lo will play with all com­pat­i­ble fla­vors at his dis­pos­al. The real­ly good ones might even ven­ture into the seem­ing­ly incom­pat­i­ble ones, to have the eater taste the fla­vor that was­n’t used. There’s the start­ing point — the dough and the end­ing point — the mouth. The piz­zaio­lo will then tra­verse all pos­si­ble paths between those two as he makes his count­less vari­eties of piz­zas. He might also get influ­enced in his prepa­ra­tion by think­ing about jazz impro­vi­sa­tion, which will have a pro­found effect on his think­ing and have him come up with new com­bi­na­tions and pat­terns of top­pings. It’s how the syn­co­pat­ed piz­za came about, usu­al­ly called “hey, you missed a spot” among the more unso­phis­ti­cat­ed crowd.

    In the words of the great Anto­nio Pelati: “just because I can come up with a con­trived way to con­nect cer­tain areas of inter­est, it does­n’t mean there’s any tan­gi­ble secret con­nec­tion there. Now have a taste of my new piz­za. I made it dou­ble blind, so there’s absolute­ly no biased fla­vor to it. I call it pure piz­za.” The pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned unso­phis­ti­cat­ed crowd have come to call it puke piz­za.

  • Bill Miller says:

    It’s been a while since I stud­ied Ger­man, but I think you should dou­ble-check the spelling of “gedanken­ex­per­i­ments.” If mem­o­ry serves, those would be “exper­i­ments in thank­ful­ness” or some such. Your word should be “gedEnken­ex­per­i­ments,” with an e in place of the a. “Denken” means “to think.” “Danken” means “to thank.”

  • Susan Cohen says:

    From Vien­na, Aus­tria: Die Gedanken sind frei! No fur­ther com­ment.

  • Maqsood Ahmad Tahir says:

    Wow woder­ful infor­ma­tion . It is Uni­ver­sal Reality.Thanks

  • Bob says:

    Ok so who invent­ed / dis­cov­ered the cycle of fiths, west­ern har­mon­ic scales? Ohh yes, it was pythago­ri­ous … music always has = physics, math and either nat­ur­al / tem­pered phone­mic res­o­nance.

    So its news then is it when some­one relearned this fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­pal? Maybe…

  • alex sleight says:

    Well, I’d say yes, it is, because Coltrane was talk­ing about a par­tic­u­lar way of tra­vers­ing that cir­cle, not just the cir­cle itself. Your argu­ment feels a lit­tle short-sight­ed.

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