Taught by Yale proÂfesÂsor Diana E. E. KleinÂer, this course offers “an introÂducÂtion to the great buildÂings and engiÂneerÂing marÂvels of Rome and its empire, with an emphaÂsis on urban planÂning and indiÂvidÂual monÂuÂments and their decÂoÂraÂtion, includÂing murÂal paintÂing.”
The course descripÂtion conÂtinÂues: “While archiÂtecÂturÂal develÂopÂments in Rome, PomÂpeii, and CenÂtral Italy are highÂlightÂed, the course also proÂvides a surÂvey of sites and strucÂtures in what are now North Italy, SiciÂly, France, Spain, GerÂmany, Greece, Turkey, CroaÂtÂia, JorÂdan, Lebanon, Libya, and North Africa. The lecÂtures are illusÂtratÂed with over 1,500 images, many from ProÂfesÂsor KleinÂer’s perÂsonÂal colÂlecÂtion.”
You can watch the 24 lecÂtures above, or find the comÂplete lecÂture set on YouTube and iTunes. To get more inforÂmaÂtion on the course, includÂing the sylÂlabus, please visÂit Yale’s webÂsite.
Texts used in this course include:
- Ward-Perkins, John B. Roman ImpeÂrÂiÂal ArchiÂtecÂture. New Haven: Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty Press, 1994.
- ClarÂidge, AmanÂda. Rome: An Oxford ArchaeÂoÂlogÂiÂcal Guide, secÂond ediÂtion, Oxford and New York: Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty Press, 2010.
Roman ArchiÂtecÂture will be added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties. Find more coursÂes focused on the Ancient world here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Rome Reborn: Take a VirÂtuÂal Tour of Ancient Rome, CirÂca 320 C.E.
The HisÂtoÂry of Rome in 179 PodÂcasts
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The course descripÂtion conÂtinÂues: “While archiÂtecÂturÂal develÂopÂments in Rome, PomÂpeii, and CenÂtral Italy are highÂlightÂed, the course also proÂvides a surÂvey of sites and strucÂtures in what are now North Italy, SiciÂly, France, Spain, GerÂmany, Greece, Turkey, CroaÂtÂia, JorÂdan, Lebanon, Libya, and North Africa. The lecÂtures are illusÂtratÂed with over 1,500 images, many from ProÂfesÂsor Kleiner’s perÂsonÂal colÂlecÂtion.”
This course is magÂnifÂiÂcentÂly done. The videos are from actuÂal Yale coursÂes, and are very inforÂmaÂtive but also very interÂestÂing to a more casuÂal viewÂer. We watched them when we spent five weeks in Rome, and havÂing Prof. KleinÂer’s explaÂnaÂtions made many of the sites of Rome come alive. You will not be disÂapÂpointÂed in this grand series. You can select the classÂes you are interÂestÂed in withÂout watchÂing every one.
Im very interÂestÂed in the course
Because big knowlÂedge gain to world hisÂtoÂry
I’m interÂestÂed
My eduÂcaÂtion must have a good funÂdaÂtion for me