YesÂterÂday, the news broke that the Trump adminÂisÂtraÂtion will apparÂentÂly be slashÂing fedÂerÂal spendÂing, to the tune of $10.5 trilÂlion over 10 years. AccordÂing to The Hill, the “departÂments of ComÂmerce and EnerÂgy would see major reducÂtions in fundÂing.” And “the CorÂpoÂraÂtion for PubÂlic BroadÂcastÂing [aka PBS] would be priÂvaÂtized, while the NationÂal EndowÂment for the Arts and NationÂal EndowÂment for the HumanÂiÂties would be elimÂiÂnatÂed entireÂly.”
Attempts to cut fundÂing for the arts is nothÂing new. Above, we take you back to 1969, when Richard Nixon planned to reduce PBS’ fundÂing from $20 milÂlion to $10 milÂlion. That is, until Fred Rogers, the genÂtle creÂator of MisÂter Rogers’ NeighÂborÂhood, spent six short minÂutes before SenÂaÂtor John PasÂtore, the chairÂman of the SubÂcomÂmitÂtee on ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, and made his pitch for pubÂlicly-fundÂed eduÂcaÂtionÂal teleÂviÂsion. In those 360 secÂonds, Rogers gets the gruff senÂaÂtor to do a comÂplete 180 – to end up sayÂing “It looks like you just earned the 20 milÂlion dolÂlars.”
It’s unlikeÂly that Mr. Rogers could get the same tracÂtion today. Quite the conÂtrary, his sweetÂness and sinÂcerÂiÂty would likeÂly be mocked quite merÂciÂlessÂly, a sign of how coarse our sociÂety has become these days.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Mr. Rogers Takes BreakÂdancÂing Lessons from a 12-Year-Old (1985)
ChristoÂpher ManÂion’s blog post on says it well:
“Defund the Left.” That’s the timeÂless motÂto of the late Howard Phillips, founder of the ConÂserÂvÂaÂtive CauÂcus who did the homeÂwork to prove that the Left would colÂlapse withÂout its bilÂlions of fedÂerÂal taxÂpayÂer fundÂing.
PBS is the only TV chanÂnel my cheap antenÂna will receive to watch the inauÂguÂraÂtion. NatÂuÂralÂly, while InterÂnet streamÂing broadÂcasts feaÂture the crowds on the west side of the CapiÂtol as the digÂniÂtaries arrive, PBS feaÂtures nine blowhards with sad faces and smarmy swipes at the deplorables.
First order of busiÂness: Defund PBS and NPR – they **nevÂer** thank the taxÂpayÂer, so apparÂentÂly they don’t need our monÂey.
Country’ll grow.
Back then, PBS/NEA was needÂed. There were less than five TV netÂworks you could tune to, and you didÂn’t have much of a choice, espeÂcialÂly as far as eduÂcaÂtion & the arts was conÂcerned. Today, we have hunÂdreds of staÂtions with all genÂres, the InterÂnet, etc. Almost all of it is priÂvateÂly fundÂed, but options can be easÂiÂly found that dupliÂcate or out-does what PBS and NPR offers, and with the click of a butÂton. Defund these White EleÂphants, they’ve served their purÂpose as typeÂwritÂers did at one time.