DurÂing the 1970s, a young DonÂald Trump was menÂtored by Roy Cohn, a brash, take-no-prisÂonÂers lawyer, who first came to promiÂnence durÂing the 1950s, when he served as the conÂsigliere to Joseph McCarthy and his camÂpaign to expose susÂpectÂed comÂmuÂnists in the UnitÂed States. In what’s known as the SecÂond Red Scare, McCarthy led increasÂingÂly broad and paraÂnoid invesÂtiÂgaÂtions, tryÂing to find ComÂmuÂnists, symÂpaÂthizÂers and spies, both inside and outÂside the fedÂerÂal govÂernÂment. MostÂly on the basis of rumor, not fact, “thouÂsands of indiÂvidÂuÂals were aggresÂsiveÂly invesÂtiÂgatÂed and quesÂtioned before govÂernÂment panÂels.” BlackÂlists were creÂatÂed. Some were jailed. Careers and liveliÂhoods were destroyed.
Year latÂer, playÂwright Arthur Miller recalled, “SufÂfice it to say, it was a time of great–no doubt unprecedented–fear.” “The air of terÂror was heavy.” “I was sure the whole thing would soon go away.” EvenÂtuÂalÂly a sense of futilÂiÂty gave way to anger, and Miller respondÂed by writÂing The CruÂcible, a comÂmenÂtary on McCarthyÂism wrapped in a draÂma about the Salem witch triÂals of 1692/93.
Above, you can watch above a six minute primer on McCarthyÂism, preÂpared by Ellen SchreckÂer, proÂfesÂsor emeriÂta of AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry at YeshiÂva UniÂverÂsiÂty. An expert on the hisÂtoÂry of McCarthyÂism, she has been called “the dean of the anti-anti-ComÂmuÂnist hisÂtoÂriÂans.” Her books on the subÂject include: Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyÂism in AmerÂiÂca and Age of McCarthyÂism: A Brief HisÂtoÂry with DocÂuÂments.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free Online HisÂtoÂry CoursÂes
Bertolt Brecht TesÂtiÂfies Before the House Un-AmerÂiÂcan ActivÂiÂties ComÂmitÂtee (1947)
Ayn Rand Helped the FBI IdenÂtiÂfy It’s A WonÂderÂful Life as ComÂmuÂnist ProÂpaÂganÂda
To be fair, declasÂsiÂfied FBI docÂuÂments showed that many of those accused (includÂing Alger Hiss) realÂly WERE ComÂmuÂnist spies and agents…but then again, a broÂken clock is also corÂrect twice a day…