Tears for Fears Sings “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” with Musician Who Created Divine Dulcimer Version of Their Song

The web­site Twist­ed Sifter sets the stage for the delight­ful video above:

Last year, musi­cian Ted Yoder uploaded a ham­mered dul­cimer ren­di­tion of “Every­body Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears on YouTube. [Watch it below.]

Then last month, he did a Face­book live broad­cast of the song and both videos have since been viewed mil­lion of times. That’s when singer Curt Smith and drum­mer Jamie Wol­lam decid­ed to drop by Yoder’s orchard for an unfor­get­table encore.

It’s worth not­ing that Mr. Yoder is a Nation­al Ham­mered Dul­cimer cham­pi­on, and con­sid­ered by many  “the Bela Fleck of the ham­mered dul­cimer.” Over on YouTube you can hear him play dul­cimer ver­sions of “While My Gui­tar Gen­tly Weeps,” “Don’t Stop Believ­ing,” Bach’s Pre­lude to Cel­lo Suite, “Scar­bor­ough Fair,” and more.

For any­one not famil­iar with the orig­i­nal 1985 ver­sion of “Every­body Wants to Rule the World,” have a lis­ten here.

via Twist­ed Sifter

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