Watch the Bayeux Tapestry Come to Life in a Short Animated Film

With the news this morn­ing that the Bayeux Tapes­try will make its first vis­it to Eng­land, we’re bring­ing back a won­der­ful lit­tle ani­ma­tion of the medieval embroi­dery that offers a pic­to­r­i­al inter­pre­ta­tion of the Nor­man Con­quest of Eng­land (1066) and the events lead­ing up to it. For­ev­er housed in France, the tapes­try mea­sures 20 inch­es by 230 feet, and you can now see an ani­mat­ed ver­sion of the sto­ry it nar­rates. The clip above starts rough­ly halfway through the his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tive, with the appear­ance of Hal­ley’s Comet, and it con­cludes with the Bat­tle of Hast­ings in 1066. The video cre­at­ed by David New­ton began as a stu­dent project at Gold­smiths Col­lege.

You can find cours­es on Medieval His­to­ry in the His­to­ry sec­tion of our big col­lec­tion, 1,700 Free Online Cours­es from Top Uni­ver­si­ties.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Peo­ple Walked a Lit­tle Dif­fer­ent­ly Dur­ing Medieval Times: A Quick Primer

What’s It Like to Fight in 15th Cen­tu­ry Armor?: A Sur­pris­ing Demon­stra­tion

Hierony­mus Bosch’s Medieval Paint­ing, “The Gar­den of Earth­ly Delights,” Comes to Life in a Gigan­tic, Mod­ern Ani­ma­tion

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  • Laurence says:

    FAKE READING… or Fake news ;)
    The read­ing of this work is inac­cu­rate. There are sev­er­al pas­sages miss­ing from the sto­ry. The first being Edward’s mes­sage ask­ing his broth­er-in-law to warn William of Nor­mandy about his near death. But Harold is held pris­on­er of the Counts of Picardy. William pays the mon­ey, and in exchange asks that Harold be faith­ful to him. The lat­ter does not take account of the event, takes pos­ses­sion of the throne. And William comes to revenge on Hast­ings.
    Hal­ley’s Comet (seen in the Bayeux Tapis­series) is a bad omen for Harold.

  • Laurence says:

    Fake read­ing or fake “news” ;). This doc­u­ment is incomplète.The read­ing of this work is inac­cu­rate. There are sev­er­al pas­sages miss­ing from the sto­ry. The first being Edward’s mes­sage ask­ing his broth­er-in-law to warn William of Nor­mandy about his near death. But Harold is held pris­on­er of the Counts of Picardy. William pays the mon­ey, and in exchange asks that Harold be faith­ful to him. The lat­ter does not take account of the event, takes pos­ses­sion of the throne. And William comes to revenge on Hast­ings.
    Hal­ley’s Comet (seen in the Bayeux Tapis­series) is a bad omen for Harold.

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