If you’re a dedÂiÂcatÂed readÂer of our site, you know that we’ve periÂodÂiÂcalÂly highÂlightÂed Bill Gates’ favorite books. (See his lists from 2015, 2016 and 2017, plus this recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtion made earÂliÂer this year.) You also know that his readÂing diet skews heavÂiÂly towards non-fiction–towards books like EnlightÂenÂment Now by Steven Pinker, SapiÂens: A Brief HisÂtoÂry of Humankind by Noah Yuval Harari, and MindÂset: The New PsyÂcholÂoÂgy of SucÂcess by CarÂol S. Dweck.
That’s what Gates likes to read. But how about how he reads? How does Gates get the most out of his time spent readÂing? As he explains in the Quartz video above, it boils down to this:
- Take Notes in the MarÂgins: That simÂple step helps ensure that you’re realÂly payÂing attenÂtion and engagÂing critÂiÂcalÂly with the text. It lets you “take in new knowlÂedge and attach it to knowlÂedge you already have.”
- Don’t Start What You Can’t FinÂish: Gates doesÂn’t explain why you should nevÂer cut your lossÂes. Maybe it’s a form of self-disÂciÂpline. Maybe it’s a fear of missÂing out on what a book promisÂes to delivÂer. Or maybe it’s the sunk cost falÂlaÂcy. Either way, Gates does recÂomÂmend pickÂing your books careÂfulÂly before you get startÂed.
- Paper Books, Not eBooks: BetÂter for marÂginÂaÂlia, for sure.
- Block Out an Hour of ReadÂing Time: You can’t read a seriÂous book in a short sitÂting. To realÂly engage with a book, give it a good hour each day. A tall order, I known, in our age of ever-declinÂing attenÂtion spans.
To be sure, you have your own readÂing pracÂtices to recÂomÂmend. Please don’t hesÂiÂtate to add them to the comÂments secÂtion below.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Bill Gates, Book CritÂic, Names His Top 5 Books of 2015
Six Books (and One Blog) Bill Gates Wants You to Read This SumÂmer
View Bill Gates’ Mobile Library: The Books & CoursÂes That Help Him Change The World
Ebooks, defÂiÂniteÂly. Enough dead aniÂmals and destroyed ecosysÂtems
AnothÂer vote for ebooks. And I will conÂtest point #3 — in an ebook your room for marÂginÂaÂlia is basiÂcalÂly unlimÂitÂed, you can add hyperÂlinks, you can orgaÂnize your notes with tags, and and your notes are browsÂable and searchÂable.
What e‑reader do you use?