John Lennon’s Report Card at Age 15: “He Has Too Many Wrong Ambitions and His Energy Is Too Often Misplaced”

In Sep­tem­ber 1956, a young John Lennon took home a dis­mal report card–the kind that many smart, way­ward kids can prob­a­bly relate to.

French teacher: “An intel­li­gent boy who could be very much bet­ter with a lit­tle con­cen­tra­tion in class.”

Math teacher: “He is cer­tain­ly on the road to fail­ure if this goes on.”

Physics teacher: “His work always lacks effort. He is con­tent to ‘drift’ instead of using his abil­i­ties.”

Reli­gion teacher: “Atti­tude in class most unsat­is­fac­to­ry.”

Head mas­ter: “He has too many wrong ambi­tions and his ener­gy is too often mis­placed.”

Guess they had him all fig­ured out…

via @Michael Beschloss

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

9‑Year-Old Edward Hop­per Draws a Pic­ture on the Back of His 3rd Grade Report Card

Hip 1960s Latin Teacher Trans­lat­ed Bea­t­les Songs into Latin for His Stu­dents: Read Lyrics for “O Teneum Manum,” “Diei Duri Nox” & More

Famous Writ­ers’ Report Cards: Ernest Hem­ing­way, William Faulkn­er, Nor­man Mail­er, E.E. Cum­mings & Anne Sex­ton

The John Lennon Sketch­book, a Short Ani­ma­tion Made of Lennon’s Draw­ings, Pre­mieres on YouTube

John Lennon Sums Up Elvis, Yoko & Howard Cosell in One Word


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.